June 2019 Minutes

A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 10th June 2019, in Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 19:30. 
The Community Police Team Report:
29/5/2019 Burglary (other) Garden Shed broken into – nothing stolen.  Millstream Road.
Public Participation 
There were 2 members of the public present.

Present:     Councillor Buckley-Jones (Chairman)
        Councillor Briscoe
        Councillor Chantler
        Councillor Sockell
        Councillor Spencer
        Councillor Webster

County Councillor R Oxby
District Councillor I Carrington

Clerk:        Wendy Skelton
36/M/19 Chairman’s welcome.
The Chairman welcomed those present and thanked them for coming on such a wet evening.
37/M/19 To receive Apologies for Absence, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.
Apologies for Absence: Cllr Sargent, the reason for this absence was not accepted. An apology was also given by District Councillor Goodwin.
Declarations of Interest: There were no Declarations of Interest.
Requests for Dispensations: There were no Requests for Dispensations.
38/M/19 To approve notes as minutes from the annual meeting of the Parish Council on 13th May 2019. 
The notes having been distributed before the meeting were taken as read and it was resolved to approved them as minutes.
Planning Matters
i.    Tree works received from NKDC.
There were no Tree Works notices received from NKDC.
ii.    Tree works decision notices received from NKDC.
iii.    There were no Tree Works decision notices received from NKDC.
iv.    Planning applications received from NKDC
v.    39/M/19 19/0605/HOUS 95 Washingborough Road Heighington.  Erection of single storey rear extension.
Members had no comments to make on this application.
40/M/19 19/0530/HOUS 32 Washingborough Road Heighington.  Erection of sunroom to the side of the dwelling and a rear extension.
Members had no comments to make on this application.
vi.    Planning application decision notices received from NKDC
19/0424/HOUS 1 Troon Close, Washingborough (Heighington). Repair and retention of existing boundary wall to a height of 190cm (retrospective) (55/F/18).
41/M/19 Clerk’s Report (for information only).
•    The bin Stickers have been printed and will Councillors please attach to the bins in their area
•    A letter of support was sent to Washingborough Parish Council following their request for support the installation of a footpath/cycle path along the B1190.
•    ssafa- the armed forces charity, has sent a letter outlining events for next year’s 75 years since VE day Commemorations.
•    Central Lincolnshire Local Plan updates have been inserted into the appropriate place in the Local Plan folder.
•    Picnic in the Park preparations are going well.

42/M/19 Correspondence (Read file for Members’ perusal). 
•    Litter picker’s reports for May.
•    Environmental Warden’s reports for May.
•    Police Crime Statistics for April.
Financial Matters
i.    43/M/19 To approve the monthly accounts for May 2019. The monthly statements were signed by Councillor Sockell and the monthly accounts approved.

ii.    44/M/19 To approve payment for IT contract by direct debit.
Members resolved to approved setting up a direct debit for the IT contract.

iii.    45/M/19 To approve payment of Environmental Wardens time for attending training session.
Members resolved to approve payment for training time for the Environmental Warden.

46/M19 To consider the offer from Avant Homes re land at end of Curtis Drive and Station Road.

47/M/19 To consider request for help for painting play equipment at Almond Avenue.
This is scheduled for Friday 5th July and local residents have already been informed in writing by North Kesteven District Council. Councillors suggested contacting Millfield School, Branston Community Academy and the Escape Youth Club to ascertain if any young person would be able to help. Additionally, if any Councillors are available to help too, it would be appreciated.
48/M/19 To consider a sim only deal for mobile phones.
To provide mobile phones to the office staff and use a sim only deal for the phones already available.  It was resolved to purchase 2 sim cards from Talktalk(our phone service provider) at a cost of £5 per month.
49/M/19 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).
County Councillor Ron Oxby:
•    The Annual Council took place on 17th May and Cllr Tony Bridges was appointed Chairman and Cllr Mike Brooke Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.
•    The leader's statement reported that during the year;
•    All seven children's homes judged as 'good'.  
•    Lincolns South Park joint Ambulance, Fire and Police station close to completion. 
•    £900,000 investment in a new country wide abuse service. 
•    100,000 potholes fixed.
     Lincoln by-pass still on track for May opening. 
•    A 'good' report for Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue following its inspection.
Adult social care being delivered on budget for the seventh year in a row, despite extra demands and costs.
•    A £1.5m grant secured to provide superfast broadband to rural communities.
Land fill has been reduced by 92% since the opening of the Energy from Waste plant was opened and has supplied power for 140,000 homes
•    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated health visiting as 'good'. 
Further road repairs will be taking place in Lincoln's Wragby Road soon with work planned to take place over an eight-week period. The two sections will be Wragby Road East from the roundabout to Lodge Lane (three weeks) and Ruskin Avenue to Lindum Sports Ground (five weeks)
•    A consultation has started on how Lincolnshire deals with flood risk and water management. The Council as the leading local flood authority has produced a revised and updated strategy and is asking residents for their views especially around the coastal areas.
District Councillor Ian Carrington:
•    Very widespread training continues for new and returning members at NKDC. Includes mandatory sessions for many functions. Program is ongoing and will continue through to July to ensure all councillors are properly equipped for their duties whatever their level.
•    2. Executive Board responsibilities have been announced and can be found on the NKDC website. The new Exec includes two independent members in a new and more collegiate administration reaching out beyond political boundaries.
•    Community Champions awards nominations are open and individuals as well as parish councils are invited to submit candidates. There are a range of categories, and full details can e found on the NK website.
•     Local Plan Review. Local Plan is subject to a Five Year Review. Stage 1 is an Issues and Options consultation now under way and running to July 18th. Parishes and individuals are invited to respond - full details are on the NK and Central Lincs websites. The plan has now been pirating with very considerable success for two years, but any person, council or company with a view on how to make it better should contribute to the review process. There will be drop in sessions soon at dates top be announced. Parish Councils input is of especial value and all are urged to consider a formal response at each consultation stage.
•     The NHS project aimed at providing support for local GP surgeries is now back in the post election work flow. Cllr Carrington will be attending the first workshop with CCGs in late July and will update in September.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.27.