December 2018 Minutes

A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 10th December 2018, in Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 19:30.

The Community Policing Team Report:

During the period 10th November 2018 to 10th December 2018 there has been one reported Crime

13-26/11/1/ - Offender(s) have entered a property in Fen Road while the occupants were away and stolen cash from a locked cash box. Entry was gained via a locked garage door and then through the integral unlocked kitchen door.

Public Participation:

There was 1 member of the public present who reported that the Bowling Green/Tennis club wall is being repaired; the damage is not as bad a first thought and work should be completed by tomorrow.

The Chairman wished to convey thanks to the Clerking Team and their families for putting up the Christmas decorations this year.

Present: Councillor C J Dunning (Chairman)
Councillor N Briscoe
Councillor A Buckley-Jones
Councillor D Chantler
Councillor J R Dziadkiewicz
Councillor V Sargent
Councillor S Sockell
Councillor P Spencer
Councillor C Watson
Clerk: W Skelton
J James
E Salter
County and District Councillor: Councillor R Oxby
District Councillor: Councillor I Carrington

158/M/18 Chairman’s opening remarks and welcome.

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present.

159/M/18 Apologies, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

Apologies: Councillor Webster
District Councillor Herring.

Declarations of Interest:

There were no Declarations of Interest.

Requests for Dispensations:

There were no Requests for Dispensations.

160/M/18 To approve the Clerks notes as minutes from the meeting of the Parish Council on 12th November 2018. To receive for information the notes from the Recreation

Advisory Forum on 22nd October 2018 and the Policy & Resources Committee meeting on 3rd December 2018.

The Clerk’s notes having been distributed in advance were taken as read; the omission of Councillor Briscoe from the attendance list was noted, with this amendment the notes were approved as minutes.

The notes from the Recreation Advisory Forum from 22nd October 2018 were received for information.

The notes from the Policy and Resources Committee 3rd December 2018 were not yet available.

Planning Matters

Tree works received from NKDC

No tree works received.

Planning Applications received from NKDC.

Application 18/555/Hous was discussed and members had no comments to make.

Planning Application decision notices received from NKDC

(117/M/18) 18/1218/HOUS Poplar Bank Farm, Bardney Road, Heighington. Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of single storey side extension – application approved.

161/M/18 Clerk’s Report (for information only).

• GallifordTry are holding an open meeting in Jubilee Hall on 11th December 2018 starting at 18:30 for 18:45.

• The adoption of the High Street telephone box is underway. The form to start the process has been completed and returned.

• The latest PRS (Performing Rights Society) invoice has been received. Their recent amalgamation with PPL (Phonographic Performance Ltd) has seen a large increase in our invoice. The Clerk is working on this to get it reduced.

• A complaint has been received from a resident who was unhappy about the road closure on Potterhanworth Road for the Christmas market. The email was forwarded to the Christmas Market Committee, who replied that Highways procedures had been followed and signs were put up and letters sent to residents of the area 2 weeks before the event; as required. • Lalc Training Scheme amendments: Courses are often oversubscribed and a waiting list for potential delegates is maintained. In view of this, please ensure that all booking cancellations are received at least 24 hours in advance, for part day courses or at least 5 working days for full day events. • Member and Non-Member Councils signed up for the Annual Training Scheme 19/20 – Due to persistent non-attendance at booked events, it is unfortunate that Lalc have had to amend the way it implements cancellation fees. From April 2019 all Lalc Member Councils will incur a charge of 50% of the training cost when insufficient notice is given (as detailed above) for non-attendance at all training events, regardless of whether they are a member or non-member of the Annual Training Scheme.

162/M/18 Correspondence (Read file for Members’ perusal).

• Dog warden’s report

• Litter picker’s report

• Police crime statistics

• Anglian Water Lincoln to Grantham pipeline

• Bardney Group of Parishes Handyman services

• Email from District Councillor Carrington

163/M/18 Financial Matters

To approve the monthly accounts for November2018.

The monthly bank statements from Unity Trust and the Public Sector Deposit Fund were signed by Councillor Sargent.

The monthly accounts were approved.

To approve the following policy amendments as recommended by the Policy and Resources Committee.

164/M/18 Health and Safety Policy: No Changes

165/M/18Training Policy: No Changes

166/M/18 Volunteer Policy: No Changes

167/M/18 Environmental Policy: Minor Amendment – It was resolved to approve the amendment to this policy.

168/M/18 Vulnerable Persons Policy: Minor Amendment – It was resolved to approve the amendment to this policy.

69/M/18 To approve minor amendments to Jubilee Hall regular hirer booking form and supplementary conditions of hire for regular hirers as recommended by the Policy and Resources Committee.

It was resolved to approve the amendments to the Jubilee Hall regular hirers booking form and supplementary condition of hire for regular hirers.

170/M/18 To note that the Council has permission to Co-opt a new member to fill the current vacancy.

It was noted that the Council can now co-opt a new member.

171/M/18 To receive an update on the recent Emergency Plan meeting and to decide what the next step is to be.

The meeting generated 30 volunteers to the Emergency Plan team. The list is still open to anyone else who wishes to volunteer. Many thanks for the support from Councillors on the day.

Emergency Planning training was attended by the Customer Service Manager and Councillor Watson in November. Volunteer training courses start in the New Year.

The next step is to form a committee and then contact local businesses to ascertain what help they can give and to apply for funding to set up ‘Battle Boxes’ which contain radios, tabards, First Aid kits etc.

172/M/18 To decide theme for Annual Parish Meeting on 4th March 2019.

It was resolved to contact the Lincolnshire Road Partnership and Dementia UK for availability for the Annual Parish Meeting.

173/M/18 District and County Councillors reports.

District Councillor:

• Budget figures are being worked on at the moment; final figures will be ready by end of January.

• Strategic Objectives Workshop made up of Councillors and Senior staff have been looking at the Councils objectives and refreshing how they are implemented.

• Road Closure at Heighington Road and the effect at Washingborough Road/Canwick Road junction. Thanks to Councillor Oxby and Councillor Cawrey who have worked hard to get the phasing of the lights at the junction under constant review to reduce queue lengths. The issue of the yellow box on Canwick Road is best left until the Lincoln Eastern Bypass has been completed.

• Christmas Holiday bin collection times are on the website and ‘side’ waste will be taken for the first collection after Christmas. Please do not put spangly cards or wrapping paper in the recycling bin as this is not recyclable.
County Councillor:

• Lincolnshire County Council have created a new website, which has a whole host of information regarding details work and what to expect after leaving education. Schools have told us it is an important asset to them, sections include ‘Careerometer’ which describes types of jobs and ‘Because statistics matter’ which informs people of other information such as salary and job availability.

• Lincolnshire County Council has supplied a letter of support for the Government's flagship training program. If successful, the 'T-Level' program will be focused on the trainee's ability to gain skills to attract a decent job.

• The re-instated has had an increase of over 20% of visits to its site over its predecessor, hopefully giving a boost to the previous £1.7bn spend by tourists in the county during 2017.

• The Costal Country Park and North Sea Observatory will be having improvements for the upcoming tourist season together with Donna Nook which will have improved parking arrangements.

• Ofsted have inspected part of children's services. SEND which delivers services for children with special needs and disabilities has had a good preliminary report with only a few suggested improvements. The full report will be available within the next few days.

• The previously reported 'Sister Region' agreement with Hunan Province of China, has now had businesses from Lincolnshire presenting their products at a major event in Shanghai, hoping to attract trade and boost our business ties with this province.

• Lincolnshire roads have had a better than expected portion of the £420m promised for further road repairs. £13.474m will be greatly received, helping to keep our roads in better condition throughout the coming months.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:30.