October 2018 Minutes

Property Services October - Minutes

A meeting of the Property Services Committee was held on 29 October 2018 at Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 19:30hrs.


Councillor Dunning
Councillor Briscoe
Councillor Dziadkiewicz
Councillor Sockell
Councillor Watson
Facilities Manager: W Skelton

There were no members of the public present.

The Chairman of this committee has resigned as a councillor, members therefore resolved that Councillor Dunning should Chair this meeting. A new Chairman will be appointed by the Parish Council at its next meeting.

16/F/18 Chairman’s opening remarks and welcome.

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present.

17/F/18 Apologies, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

Apologies: There were no apologies for absence.

Declarations of Interest: There were no Declarations of Interest.

Requests for Dispensation: There were no Requests for Dispensation.

18/F/18 To approve Facilities Manager’s notes from the meeting of the Property Services Committee on 30th April 2018 as minutes.

It was resolved to approve the Facilities Managers notes as minutes.

Planning matters:

Tree Works received from NKDC

There were no tree works received from NKDC

Tree Works decision notices received from NKDC

There were no tree works decision notices received from NKDC

Planning application received from NKDC

19/F/18 - 18/1401/HOUS 40, Millstream Road, Heighington. Erection of single storey front side and rear extension.

The Property Services Committee of the Parish Council considered this application but had no comments to make.

20/F/18 - 18/1412/VARCON Claremont, The Moors, Branston. Application to vary condition 5, to add a first floor, plus dormer windows to front elevation.

The Property Services Committee of the Parish Council considered this application but had no comments to make.

Planning Application decision notices received from NKDC

There were no planning application decision notices received from NKDC.

21/F/18 Facilities Manager’s report (for information only).

 The retaining wall at the bowling green has been scheduled into the contractors work load and the Council are awaiting a telephone call confirming when work will be commencing.

 The door stops and retaining hooks have been purchased and the front door has had one fitted; the other is to be fitted at a later date.

 The new heater for the office at the Jubilee Hall has been purchased and has been used.

 The artificial grass at the Muga – The Facilities Manager still hasn’t had a reply from Wicksteed. However another company supplying sports grade artificial grass has been identified, they will be contacted in due course.

 The Jubilee Hall rear wall has been repointed by the builder after a fault had occurred after completion.

22/F/18 To receive Property Services budget update 2018/19.

Members received a copy of the Property Services budget to date. The RFO was happy with the finances at this point in the year.

23/F/18 To consider locations and resolve to provide litter/dog waste bins at locations requested by residents.

A request to residents for suitable locations made through the Sheepwash Times resulted in 5 locations being suggested.

Members resolved Sheepwash Lane near the railway underpass as a new location for a litter/dog waste bin, provision will be made for this in the budget for 2019/20.

24/F/18 To receive the Quinquennial tree inspection and to approve expenditure for recommended works.

The quinquennial tree inspection report was circulated before the meeting. A quotation for the work had been received and another was being processed. However there was a problem with the report and the arboriculturalist is rewriting it. With this in mind it was resolved to wait for the updated report before proceeding further.

25/F/18 To receive the annual PAT and Emergency lighting Tests for Parish Council Buildings and to approve expenditure for the remedial works recommended.

The emergency lighting test reports and the PAT reports were received and the expenditure of £240 exclusice of VAT for the remedial works approved.

26/F/18 To consider an ongoing programme to replace trees on Parish Council property

The ongoing work for the health of the trees owned by the Council has created a need to regularly replace trees that have been removed. It is therefore sensible to have a small amount of savings apportioned to the replacing of these trees or ones that are nearing the end of their lives. It was resolved to make provision in the budget for a sum of up to £150. It would also be prudent to look for grant funding to help purchase trees.

27/F/18 To consider applying for a grant to install Bird/Bat boxes on Parish Council property.

Following the previous meeting when it was agreed to allocate money in the next precept for bat and bird boxes, the Facilities Manager has found that grants are available for such projects from Lincolnshire County Council. It was resolved to apply for a grant to purchase boxes and also look at options to have the boxes made locally.

28/F/18 To approve expenditure to replace the broken locks on the toilet doors at Potterhanworth Road Pavilion.

The lock on the pavilion toilet door, which was replaced in June 2018, has broken and needs replacing. It would be sensible to install one on the rear toilet door at the same time. It was resolved to purchase to locks for both toilet doors at a cost of £11.98 inclusive of VAT. The cost of fitting the locks will be extra.

29/F/18 To consider a plan for the refurbishment of the old gate way to the Bowling Green.

The old gateway to the Bowling Green has become rotten and it is time to start planning for future works. The Facilities Manager has confirmed with NKDC Conservation Officer and Planning department that the brick pillars are to be retained but the breeze block and wooden gate section can be walled up with stone matching the remainder of the wall.

Members resolved to start a savings plan and to get quotes for the work which will be undertaken at a later date.

30/F/18 Date of Next meeting.

18th February 2019.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.22hrs.