October 2019 agenda

23rd October 2019


Dear Councillors and Parishioners

Notice is herein given that the next meeting of the Property Services Committee of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 28th October 2019, starting at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington.  Public Participation and questions will be invited prior to the agenda business and all are welcome to attend.



1. Chairman’s opening remarks and welcome.

2. Apologies, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

3. To approve the Responsible Finance Officers notes from the meeting of the Property Services Committee Monday 15th July 2019 as minutes.

4. Planning matters:

Tree Works received from NKDC.

There were no Tree Works received from NKDC.

Tree Works decision notices received from NKDC.

There were no Tree Works Decision notices received from NKDC.

Planning applications received from NKDC.

There were no Planning Applications received from NKDC.

Planning Application decision notices received from NKDC.

19/1139/HOUS 23 St Aubins Crescent, Heighington, Lincoln. Erection of single   storey rear extension and conversion of garage into living accommodation. This application has been approved by NKDC.

19/1175/HOUS Walnut Cottage, Potterhanworth Road, Heighington. Erection of single storey rear extension to form garden room. This application has been approved by NKDC. 

19/1130/HOUS Harby Dale, Fen Road, Heighington. Erection of single storey rear extension, detached garage and loft conversion to form first floor accommodation. This application has been approved by NKDC.

5. Co-Clerk (Operations) report (for information only).

6. To consider refurbishing the village sign by the beck that was donated by the WI.

7. To discuss placing a small fence around the play equipment at Station Road recreation ground.

8. To discuss a grant application for the Chapel Lane gateway and to receive quotes.

9. To consider repointing of the stone wall on the boundary of the bowls club and Chapel Lane and to receive quotes.

10. To discuss the C3 observations following the recent Electrical Installations Condition Report carried out by SELMEC on 4th September 2019.

11. Update on dual-purpose bin stickers.

12. The discuss the quotes received for tree works at Station Road and Potterhanworth Road.

13. To note the playground checkers report on the play equipment at Potterhanworth Road.

14. To note that Legionella testing is to be carried out annually.

15. To consider the use of smart meters at all three buildings.

16. To receive a quote to undertake a valuation of our properties for insurance purposes.

17. To consider having the guttering cleaned twice a year at all three sites.



Yours sincerely

Emma Salter

Co-Clerk (Operations)