Heighington Carpet Bowls

We are a small and very friendly group of some ten members who meet on Friday evenings at the Heighington Jubilee Hall, Commencing at 7-00pm and bowling until 9-15pm with a tea and biscuits break at half time. Costs are minimal, £2-50 per evening and 20p for tea, annual subscriptions of £12. We bowl competitively as individuals but are just as happy for the effort and success of the other team as for our own. The main enjoyment comes from the social contact and genuine friendship that we show towards each other. We tend to be world class for banter and do not expect new members to have previous bowling experience. For the record we are all Old Gimmers but this age bracket is not a pre-requisite for membership, indeed, please come along all you younger people and join-in our happy circle. It is required however that members are of age majority and remain responsible for their own behaviour, so unfortunately, no children.
Bowling etiquette requires that we wear any flat soft soled shoes in order to protect the carpets; which we change into within the hall so not to bring road grime into direct contact with the carpets.
Do come along for a taster, without cost, and discover for yourself how and what it is all about.
For contact purposes: Margaret Patch 01522 790863 and myself, Alan Croxford 01522 790909