Police survey

Residents are invited to have the opportunity to take part in the annual Crime and Policing Survey.

The survey asks residents about topics such as fear of crime, Council Tax contributions and how Lincolnshire Police are performing.

This is the seventh year running PCC Marc Jones has commissioned the survey, with almost 4,000 responses last year. In previous years the views expressed in the survey have been the driving force behind some significant changes to services provided by Lincolnshire Police, including;

  • A dedicated roads policing team
  • Specialist enforcement teams to drive down crime in rural areas
  • Investment in raising awareness of frauds and scams
  • The launch of community speed watch schemes
  • An increase in community beat managers

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and will allow you to have your voice heard. 

You can take part by visiting https://bit.ly/PCCSurveyLA

Published: Monday, 27th November 2023