Heighington suffered localised flooding in December 2012, in November 2019, October 2023 (Storm Babett), and recently in January 2024 (Storm Henk). Since 2012 there have been improvements to the sewer system in Heighington and a programme of clearance of drainage pipes and ditches, which is likely to reduce the risk of localised flooding.
Heighington Parish Council provides information about rainfall and groundwater level to inform residents of the potential for localise flooding. We also hope this information will be of wider interest to gardeners and farmers.
The groundwater level stated is for the Stow 2 borehole, which is located near to Brinkle Spring Lane, Heighington and the approximated local rainfall data comes from the nearest Met Office station at Waddington.
Thank you to the Environment Agency for providing the groundwater level data and to a local resident for the data analysis and report.
February 2025: LCC Flood and Water Management Scrutiny Committee have published their report on the impacts of Storms Babet and Henk. The report can be accessed here: https://lincolnshire.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s66320/05A%20Storms%20Babet%20and%20Henk%20Report.pdf
Useful Information
Rainfall and groundwater levels
Who is responsible for managing flood risk?