January 2025 minutes
The Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 13th January 2025 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington.
Councillor Buckley-Jones
Councillor Catlow
Councillor Catterson
Councillor Craig
Councillor Farrington
Councillor George
Councillor Sockell (Chair)
Councillor Sowerby
Councillor Trafford (Vice Chair)
Councillor Watkinson
Clerk – Elaine Atkin
RFO – Nikki Briscoe
NKDC & LCC Councillor Ian Carrington (arrived 7:22pm)
Councillor Rushby
NKDC Councillor Carola Goodwin
NKDC Councillor Reece Harrington
There was 1 member of the public present.
Public participation
There were no public questions or comments.
172/M/24 To receive and accept apologies, where valid reasons for absence have been submitted to the clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies and valid reasons for absence had been received from Cllr Rushby. It was proposed by Cllr Watkinson, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved to accept these.
Apologies had also been received from NKDC Cllr Goodwin.
173/M/24 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations.
There were none.
174/M/24 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on Monday 9th December 2024 and for the chair to sign these as the agreed minutes.
It was proposed by Cllr Catlow, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to approve the December minutes. These were duly signed by the Chair.
175/M/24 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).
There were no NKDC/LCC councillors in attendance at this point in proceedings, however this item was revisited at the end of the meeting, when NKDC/LCC Cllr Carrington, who had arrived later, shared the following highlights:
- LCC budget:
- LCC have set a provisional budget of 3%. This is currently out for public consultation and the final budget will be agreed at the council meeting in February.
- The national Government financial settlement will lead to an effective cut to LCC funds. LCC are concerned about the apparent shift of focus by government from rural to urban areas.
- Flooding:
- In the recent flooding, 103 Lincolnshire properties have been flooded. Over 30 of these have flooded before.
- The South Delph flooded because it has not been properly maintained.
- There was an issue with the sluice gates again during the recent flooding because the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Board are still not co-operating.
- The Sandhill Beck pump was under threat again.
- Storm Babbett/Henk enquiry:
- Draft recommendations have now been produced. These are due to be published possibly in early February.
- Recommendations will stress the need to get the various agencies to work together better.
- One recommendation will be for an upstream attenuation solution for Heighington.
- Hydrologists are working on a separate report relating to the groundwater flooding issues in Heighington.
- Gritters have been out recently with the cold snap.
- There has been no further progress on the proposed North Hykeham relief road. This was paused when the new government came in.
- Concerns about a new solar farm near Leadenham (making this the fifth in North Kesteven alone).
- A question was asked by the chair about recent newspaper articles claiming LCC have contributed £54,124 to a new short, animated film by Aardman, warning residents about the risks of groundwater flooding. Cllr Carrington didn’t know any more other than that reported in the newspapers but committed to find out more.
176/M/24 To note the list of correspondence and meetings since the December council meeting.
This was noted.
Financial matters:
177/M/24 To approve the monthly accounts for December 2024, including List of Payments, List of Receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation
The bank reconciliation for December had been checked and signed off by Cllr Watkinson prior to the meeting.
Bank balances at the end of December as presented were: Co-op (current) - £30,015.24, Unity Trust (current) - £99,221.57, Public Sector Deposit Fund £48,000.
It was proposed by Cllr Watkinson, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to approve the December monthly accounts.
178/M/24 To note overtime worked in November and paid in December.
This was noted.
179/M/24 To agree the final budget for 2025-26.
The RFO confirmed that the 2025-26 budget was as per the figures presented to council in December (budget total of £118,449.88). It was proposed by Cllr Catterson, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved to approve the budget.
180/M/24 To agree the precept request for 2025-26.
Following discussion it was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr Trafford and resolved that the precept request for 2025-26 would be for £111,949.88. This is an increase of 4.16% on Band D properties, which equates to an increase of 8p per week. The shortfall of £6,500 against the budget figure would be funded from reserves. In the event that income received in the year covers this shortfall, the reserves will not be required.
181/M/24 To consider the purchase of a replacement dog bin for Station Road, due to damage to the current bin.
It was proposed by Cllr Catlow, seconded by Cllr Catterson and resolved to delegate authority to the Clerk and RFO to spend up to a maximum of £500 for a suitable replacement bin, and for this to be funded from reserves.
182/M/24 To note the intermediate internal audit report and note that no actions are required.
This report was noted.
183/M/24 To consider feedback from NKDC regarding the Almond Avenue play area lease and consider what council wants to do about this, noting any obligations or actions required, depending on whether council chooses to accept the renewal or not.
The feedback was noted. The clerk was asked to determine the timescales from NKDC for provision of the new contract for consideration.
Cllr Craig left the room (7:20pm and returned 7:21pm).
NKDC & LCC Cllr Carrington arrived (7:22pm).
It was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr Watkinson and resolved to wait until more information is available, and what cost implications there will be, and then determine what action to take.
184/M/24 To agree a response to the government consultation on “Strengthening the Standards and Conduct Framework for Local Authorities in England”.
It was proposed by Cllr Sowerby seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved to delegate authority to the clerk to submit a response on behalf of the council and for councillors to feed any comments to the clerk by 20th February.
185/M/24 To appoint two parish council nominated trustees to the Garrett’s Charity for a 4-year tenure from March 2025, noting the current trustees, Mrs CJ Dunning and Mr DE Chantler have confirmed they would be pleased to continue in this role.
It was proposed by Cllr Catterson, seconded by Cllr Catlow and resolved to reappoint Mrs CJ Dunning and Mr DE Chantler as the parish council nominated trustees to the Garrett’s Charity.
186/M/24 To note a public consultation underway by the Garrett’s Charity in respect of updating a key clause in the Garrett’s Charity Scheme. The consultation ends on 7th February.
The chair invited the member of public to speak on this item and they explained that the proposed wording change to the Scheme has come from the Charity Commission. The proposed change would hopefully help the Charity secure much needed grant funding in the future. The Charity would welcome individual councillor support for the proposed change.
This was noted.
187/M/24 To note a recent Freedom of Information request (received 18th November 2024) and confirm that a response was provided (21st November 2024) within the required timescale.
This was noted.
Planning Matters and Tree Works:
188/M/24 To consider tree works applications received from NKDC (including those considered between meetings)
a. 24/1382/TCA. Notification of intended works to trees in a Conservation Area. T1 – Cherry, to reduce the height by 6ft and the spread by at least feet, to and in between the current height and where it’s been pruned before to keep the tree at a manageable height and spread for the size of the garden. T2 – Pear, to reduce the height by 6ft and the spread by at least feet, to in between the current height and where it’s been pruned before to keep the tree at a manageable height and spread for the size of the garden. 26 Back Lane, Heighington, LN4 1RH.
Council had no comments – leave this to the Tree Officer.
189/M/24 To note tree decision notices from NKDC
None received.
190/M/24 To note the planning applications received from NKDC for consideration (including those considered between meetings).
a. 22/0977/FUL. Notification of planning appeal against the refusal of a planning application for the erection of 5no. detached two storey dwellings and 2no. affordable dwellings, with associated garaging including formation of associated access road and junction with Fen Road and provision of footway connection. Proposed land at Holmleigh. Fen Road, Heighington. Appeal reference APP/R2520/W/24/3355256.
b. Notification of an appeal lodged with the Planning Inspectorate (Appeal reference APP/R2520/W/24/3355256 following refusal of planning application 22/0977/FUL. Proposed site at Holmleigh, Fen Road, Heighington. (This is a duplicate of the previous item).
c. 24/1468/PNDD. Application under Class Q of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order for prior approval for change of use of an existing agricultural barn to form 1no. dwelling (C3). Barn at Blabber Hill Farm, Fen Road, Heighington. (Application for prior approval to determine whether or not any further approval is required).
Council had no comments.
191/M/24 To note planning decision notices from NKDC
a. 24/1141/FUL. Proposed change of use of part of JNE Trading site from Class E use to a car workshop, MOT centre and car sales. JNE Trading, Potterhanworth Road, Heighington.
Application approved.
b. 24/0657/HOUS. Replace all existing windows (including insertion of conservation roof light), removal of secondary staircase, raise ground and first floor levels to Utility and reorder ground and first floor layout to existing dwelling together with conversion of outbuilding into annexe/home office space plus siting of solar panels and erection of garden pergola. 7 High Street, Heighington.
Application approved.
c. 24/0658/LBC. Replace all existing windows (including insertion of conservation roof light), removal of secondary staircase, raise ground and first floor levels to Utility and reorder ground and first floor layout to existing dwelling together with conversion of outbuilding into annexe/home office space plus siting of solar panels and erection of garden pergola (Amended description). 7 High Street, Heighington.
Application approved.
d. 24/1232/LBC. Removal and replacement of plaster coverings to hall and landing (part retrospective). Albert House, High Street, Heighington.
Application approved.
Planning decisions were noted.
192/M/24 To note the litter pick report for October to December 2024, noting that 24.5 large black bags of rubbish were collected in 2024 by our volunteer litter-picker, who generously gave 27.75 hours of their time doing this.
This was noted.
At this point the chair asked NKDC & LCC Cllr Carrington if he wanted to provide his update. This has been minuted under 175/M/24.
The meeting closed at 7:52 pm.
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.