March 2019 - Annual Parish Meeting minutes

The Annual Parish Meeting was held on Monday 4th March 2019, in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 7.00pm.


The Chairman of the parish Council, Councillor Jane Dunning, presided and opened the meeting with a welcome to those present.  There were 32 members of the public present and 9 Parish Councillors a District and a County Councillors were present.


Apologies were recorded from Parish Councillor Spencer.


Parish Council Chairman’s report:

Council Properties

The Council has a significant property portfolio and continues to provide and maintain two sports pavilions and associated sports fields, play equipment on three sites, and the Jubilee Hall.  These are managed by our Property Services Committee chaired by Cllr Nikki Briscoe. Inevitably maintenance of these facilities takes up a substantial proportion of the Council’s budget: our rolling maintenance plan enables Council to plan ahead.  During the last year new doors have been fitted to the Jubilee Hall and the stone wall in the rear car park which had been crumbling was rebuilt.

Council Finance & Policies

The Policy & Resources Committee of the Council, chaired by Cllr Alison Buckley-Jones, advises on a range of matters and this year has undertaken a significant review of all Council policies. There is now a schedule to ensure that all policies are reviewed regularly. The introduction of new data protection legislation in May required considerable work to ensure compliance and on the advice of the committee, Council took the decision to significantly upgrade its IT provision. We set a balanced budget and are in a sound financial position. Once again, we had a clear audit from our internal auditor and the government appointed external auditor.  

Activities for all age groups

The Council continues to support the Youth Club held at Branston Academy; has sponsored a range of activities for young people during school holidays. A Christmas Lunch was once again held in the Jubilee Hall and was well attended.  Thank you to all those whose time and effort has made these events possible.

Picnic in the Park

This event was held on Potterhanworth Road sports field on Saturday 16th June 2018. There was a wide variety of stalls and activities. Many local groups showed off their wares and we were entertained by a diverse range of musical and dance talent.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and well attended by the village.  Council hopes to make it an annual event and plans are already well under way for this year with many stallholders returning and new attractions booked in.  Put the date – Saturday 15th June – in your diaries: we look forward to seeing you there.


Council is keen to promote social wellbeing across the spectrum and seeks to support groups through the Recreation Advisory Forum currently chaired by Cllr Dennis Chantler. Around the hall this evening we have displays showing the tremendous range of activities and organisations in Heighington.  Take some time to have a look and see if there are new things you can become involved in. I know several groups are looking for new members.  You are welcome to take away leaflets for future reference.

Emergency Plan

The Parish Council is leading in putting together an Emergency Plan for the village.  The aim is to be able to ‘hold the fort’ in an emergency situation (extreme weather event / major accident) until emergency services can step in.  We held an Open Evening at the end of November to recruit volunteers and were very pleased with the response.  We now need to focus on training sessions for our recruits and these will be arranged in the very near future.  Additional volunteers welcome: please speak to a councillor.  Cllr Colin Watson is spearheading this project.


The Parish Council is consulted by NKDC on applications within the parish. The majority this year have been householder applications for extensions to existing dwellings.  The Garrett Rise development by Lindum Homes off Fen Road is nearing completion.  Section 106 monies from the development are yet to be paid over to the Parish Council, but a scheme has been devised to enhance facilities across the village as soon as the monies are received.

Comings and Goings

At the beginning of the Council year we had two vacancies: we were pleased to welcome as councillors Colin Watson and Paul Spencer.  Later in the year Janice Robinson resigned for family reasons and we have recently co-opted James Cann to fill that vacancy. Thus, we end the year with a full complement of 11 Councillors.  

2019 is election year for Parish Councils – all seats are up for election on 2nd May 2019.  If anyone is interested in becoming a parish councillor, please let me know.

Finally, I would like to thank all Councillors, Council staff and contractors for their commitment and team spirit.

The Garretts Charity Report presented by Chairman of the charity, Ron Oxby

It is almost a year since the charity took back control of the Heritage Rooms. In 1993 North Kesteven took a 25-year lease on said rooms which ended last March. During this time, North Kesteven were responsible for the upkeep and running of the Heritage Rooms, together with electricity, water rates and general expenses.

The trustees now have control and responsibility for the upkeep of these rooms and during this year have found how expensive the upkeep and running of the building is. Within a few weeks a serious water leak was detected, fortunately two of the trustees were able to rectify this problem only to find another developed within a few months, again the trustees were able to sort out the issue. Our winter electricity bill graced our secretary / treasurers letter box recently, a staggering £1962, followed by a large £700 plus water bill, (due to the leaks we experienced earlier), followed by £2000 plus annual insurance account.

The Charity has investments in the ''Charity Ordinary Investment Fund,''(known as coif) which last year saw a boost to this fund.  The Village Hall had been accruing funds for some considerable time to update the fabric of that hall, but when it was realised the lease was not going to be renewed and the Hall to be closed, these funds had to be donated to a like for like charity. Three charities within our area were considered by the Village Hall's committee and it was decided the Garratts charity would benefit from these funds.

These funds, invested in the COIF gave a much welcome extra boost to the charity’s income, offsetting some of these staggering bills mentioned earlier, but as of late a reduction in the interest has had an effect on our returns.

The user group had an agreement with North Kesteven during their lease period.  A new agreement with a reformed user group known as ''The Friends of the Garratts Charity'' and the trustees gives stability to both the ''Friends'' and the charity. This now gives a hourly hiring income, again helping with costs. The rooms are also available to hire on a one-off basis. 

Each year we have attended the Village ''Picnic in the Park' event, promoting the charity and raising monies.  Also, we have a stall at the Village Christmas Market, again promoting the charity and at which we organise a raffle, with donations from village businesses, organisations and public donations, it managed to raise over £900, this last year.

We contract a local person, originally employed by North Kesteven, who looks after the caretaking duties and the grass cutting etc. during the growing period.

We recently have developed a web site, which is currently having some final 'tweaks'. 

The Trustees are looking to invest in the building for the future benefit of our residents and users, alternative heating, insulation and both internal and external improvements are on our wish list. A number of grants are available but finding one which would support our intentions is currently ongoing.   

We have at the present a trustee vacancy. With around three meetings a year, each lasting approximately 2hrs. It would be nice to recruit a person with practical skills to help with those small jobs that occasionally need attention within the building.

Finally, a big thank you to our trustees for their help and dedication, but a special thank you to our Secretary / Treasurer Dennis Chantler, who sees to the day to day office work associated with the charity.


Pike and Eure Educational Foundation Report by Trustee, Jane Dunning:


The history of this charity goes back to two educational foundations: that of Ralph Eure founded by deed dated 22nd March 1627 and that of Timothy Pike founded by Will dated 21st August 1728.  The current scheme combined the two in February 1954 under the title ‘The Pike and Eure Educational Foundation’ and is registered with the Charity Commission (No 527725)

The George Walker Sports Foundation was established in 1997 in memory of Cllr George Walker of Washingborough and is administered alongside the Pike & Eure Educational Foundation.


There are ten Trustees: two appointed by Lincolnshire County Council; one from HPC and one from WPC; the remaining six are co-opted from amongst the residents of both parishes, one of whom by convention is usually the Rector of Washingborough with Heighington.  We currently have a full complement of Trustees with equal representation from both parishes.  Trustees meet twice a year.


Both Foundations have capital invested chiefly in COIF Income Shares which is specifically aimed at the charitable sector and which currently attracts an interest rate much more favourable than generally available.  The income is used to make donations in accordance with the objects of the Charity.  There is a copy of the most recently approved accounts (year ending December 2017) available tonight and this will be attached to the minutes. During 2018 the charity undertook a review of its data protection procedures to ensure compliance with the latest legislation.


Both Foundations provide small financial grants to young people aged between 16 and 25 to support them in education and training.

Pike & Eure grants are awarded, for books or equipment to assist with training such as tools.  Applications from young people living in the two villages are welcomed whether they are heading off to university, college or embarking on an apprenticeship.  Awards are paid out to students irrespective of means.  In 2018, 10 awards were made under this scheme.


The George Walker Sports Foundation is aimed at youngsters who are participating in sport at a higher level and who need assistance either with kit, coaching or travel to training sessions.  In 2018 there was 1 grant awarded.

Articles advertising the charities are published in the Sheepwash Times from July and each month up to October; posters are placed on village noticeboards; details are included on the village websites and social media.  Branston Community Academy, Lincoln University and the Lincoln College are all encouraged to make students from Heighington and Washingborough aware of the charities’ objects.

To apply contact the Clerk to The Trustees: there are contact flyers available tonight.


The official part of the meeting closed.

A talk by Rowena Devonport from the Alzheimer’s Society about accessing their services.


Refreshments were served,  with proceeds of £30 being donated to the Alzheimer’s Society.

There was opportunity to view displays by village organisations.