January 2019 Minutes

A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 28th January 2019, in Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 19:30.

The Community Policy Team Report: No report had been received.

Public Participation: There were 2 members of the public present.

Present: Councillor C J Dunning (Chairman)
Councillor N Briscoe
Councillor A Buckley-Jones
Councillor D Chantler
Councillor V Sargent
Councillor S Sockell
Councillor P Spencer
Councillor C Watson
Councillor B Webster
Clerk: W Skelton
County and District Councillor: Councillor R Oxby (arrived later)
District Councillor: Councillor I Carrington

174/M/18 Chairman’s opening remarks and welcome.

The Chairman welcomed those present.

175/M/18 Apologies, Declarations of Interest and Requests for dispensations.

Apologies: Councillor Dziadkiewicz
District Councillor Herring

Declaration of Interest:
There were no Declarations of Interest

Requests for Dispensations:
There were no Requests for Dispensations.

176/M/18 To approve the Clerks notes as minutes from the meeting of the Parish Council on 10th December 2018. To receive for information the notes from the Policy & Resources Committee meetings on 3rd December 2018 and 14th January 2019.

The notes for the Parish Council meeting on 10th December 2018 were approved.

The notes from the Policy and resources meeting on 3rd December 2018 and 14th January 2019 were received for information.

Planning Matters

Tree works received from NKDC

177/M/18 19/0034/TCA 23 St Aubins Crescent, Heighington. 3 x Leylandii -reduce in height by 40ft.

It was resolved to leave this matter to the Tree Officers discretion.

178/M/18 19/0058/TPO 5 The Old Stackyard, Heighington. T1 Willow – reduce crown to previous pruning points.

It was resolved to leave this matter to the Tree Officers discretion.

Planning Applications received from NKDC

179/M/18 19/0032/HOUS 16 Millstream Road, Heighington. Extension over garage.

Heighington Parish Council considered this application and has no comments to make.

180/M/18 18/1723/FUL Land to the rear of Rudgard Farm Potterhanworth Rd, Heighington. Erection of dwelling and garage with access off Chapel Lane (re-submission 17/1876/FUL).

The new application addresses the issue raised on building materials, however, members still considered the scale and massing of the building was overly large for the plot, especially as it is in a conservation area and in close proximity to listed buildings.

Planning Application decision notices received from NKDC

18/1631/HOUS 3 Sandra Crescent, Washingborough. Erection of a first-floor extension over garage - approved

18/1401/HOUS 40 Millstream Road, Heighington. Erection of front, side and rear extension (19/F/18) - approved

18/1488/HOUS 15 Washingborough Road, Heighington. Erection of a 1.5 storey rear extension (142/M/18) - approved

18/1555/HOUS 79 Washingborough Road, Heighington. Erection of single storey extension – approved.

Planning application appeal

181/M/18 APP/R2520/W/18/3218272 Land on the Corner of Fen Road/Low Park Lane

Heighington (minute no 17/M/18).

Councillors noted the appeal.

182/M/18 Clerk’s Report (for information only)

• The new credit card has arrived and has been activated. The Fast hosts account has been updated with the new credit card details.

• Information Commission Office registration Direct Debit will be taken from the bank account soon for registration as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998 and Data Protection (Charges and information) Regulations 2018.

• The new IT equipment has now been installed and running smoothly.

• Several thank you letters, and cards have been received from residents who attended the Christmas Lunch.

• A refund of VAT to the value of £618.59 has been credited to the bank account.

183/M/18 Correspondence (Read file for Members’ perusal).

• Dog warden’s report

• Litter picker’s report

• Police crime statistics

• New future for the Stackhouse Poland Group

• Response from LCC Tree Officer to an enquiry about a tree on Washingborough Road.

184/M/18 Upon confirmation of funding arrangements by North Kesteven District Council and giving due regards to the deliberations of the Policy and Resources Committee set out in minute 84/R/18, to set a precept for the financial year 2019/20.

It was resolved to approve a precept £86,010.73 for the financial year 2019/20, which is an increase of 2.94% equivalent to an increase of £2.37 on a band D property.

185/M/18 To consider co-option of a new Councillor.

There were two candidates who put themselves forward for the position. A vote was taken, and it was resolved to co-opt Mr Cann as a Councillor.

Financial Matters:

186/M/18 To approve the monthly accounts for December 2018.

The monthly accounts were approved, and Councillor Dunning signed the bank statements.

187/M/18 To approve Direct Debit to Lloyds Bank for the Parish Council Credit Card and add to the Direct Debit schedule.

It was resolved to approve the direct debit for the Parish Council Credit Card and add to the Direct Debit schedule.

188/M/18 To approve expenditure for the hire of a marquee for Picnic in the Park 2019.

It was resolved to approve the expenditure of £992.00 ex VAT for the marquee for Picnic in the Park 2019.

It was resolved to pay the 10% deposit immediately to secure the booking and the balance after 1st April 2019.

189/M/18 To consider tender for maintenance of the Jubilee Hall Grounds.

It was resolved to approve the tender for the maintenance of the Jubilee Hall Grounds.

The initial maintenance of the garden will be charged at £15 per hour dropping to £11 per hour when the borders have been tamed.

190/M/18 To consider Lincolnshire Draft Statement of Community Involvement and delegate a Councillor to review and make comments for submission by the Clerk.

It was resolved that Councillor Watson will review the draft statement and make comments for the Clerk to submit.

191/M/18 To consider quotations from solicitors for the Land Registration of two Parish Council Properties.

Potterhanworth Road sports field and Jubilee Hall are not registered with the land registry. Several years ago, it was agreed to get them registered. To expedite the registration of the properties it was resolved to use Andrew & Co do the registration, at a cost of £325.00 ex VAT for each property, search fees at approx. £10 per property and the Land Registry Fee. Council asked the Clerk and RFO to progress this as soon as possible.

192/M/18 To approve the hire charges for Parish Council properties for 2019/2020.

The revised hire charges for Jubilee Hall and the Sports Facilities were considered. It was resolved to approve the proposed charges but increase by £1 the hire of the half pitches to make them half the cost of a full pitch.

193/M/18 To approve the revised Hire Agreements for the sports facilities.

The hire agreements were revised to update some sections of the agreements. It was resolved to approve the revised Hire Agreement.

194/M/18 To approve the Civic Meeting Calendar for 2019/20.

It was resolved to approve the Civic Meeting Calendar for 2019/20.

195/M/18 To consider the implications of recent legislation changes to dog fouling.

Recent changes to legislation around dog fouling means changes to how dog wardens operate.

Councillors were concerned how this would work in the future. It was agreed to continue with the Dog Warden under his new premise of Environmental Warden for a while to see how it worked. District Councillor Carrington will raise concerns with NKDC about the roll out of information to Parishes.

196/M/18 To consider an offer from the Woodworking group to make ‘something in wood’ for the Parish Council.

It was resolved to discuss this item at the next Property Services meeting in February.

Councillor Oxby arrived at this point, having attended another Parish Council meeting.

197/M/18 District and County Councillors reports.

County Councillor:

• A ‘Falls Service’ was introduced in time for Christmas. £400,000, was allocated to help run the pilot in collaboration with East Midland Ambulance Service (EMAS) and LIVES. If someone suffers a fall and dials 999, they can expect a quicker response from either of the two services.

• Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue has received a 'Good' report from Her Majesties Inspectorate, for how effective it is at keeping people safe from fire and other risks.

• Community Groups are being encouraged to sign up for free text alerts warning them of possible emergencies in their area. The Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (made up of emergency services and councils in the area) is trialling the new service in a bid to communicate more efficiently with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations especially in hard to reach areas.

• The Councils Adult Social Care received an extra £3.7m each year for two years to help train and recruit an extra 240 new homecare workers, progress e-consultation, clinical support and assessments, helping to keep people in their own home for longer, equipment service increasing to 7 days a week, more monies to support nursing homes, increase the wellbeing service, falls response service pilot, additional beds, (helping people with complex needs leave hospital), investing more money in co-responders, more social care staff, helping people to get home more quickly from a hospital stay and expanding their home from home service from 3 to 5 days helped by LCHS and Age UK.

• A budget briefing was given to Councillors early in December, the executive has discussed the Governments settlement figures on the 18th and will be finalising the budget in the new year with the proposals coming to Council again in the new year. A briefing will be held for interested parties on Friday 25th January at County offices at 10.00am.

• Hawk Plant, one of the sub-contractors working on the Eastern by-pass who had been carrying earth works has gone into administration. The council will try to minimise any disruption to the scheme.

• The Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny committee met on the 22nd of January. The Executive will receive recommendations from this committee and others within the council and will discuss these during the 5th February meeting before going to full council. Proposals included an increase of 2.95% on the basic council tax with a 2% increase for adult social care. Cost pressures were identified within the Library service, Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and the counter Terrorism and Security act 2015.

• The budget to support the (CAB) Citizens Advice Bureau now known as Citizens Advice which was removed in February 2017 but supported from reserves is to be recommended to be re-instated with a budget of £278,000.

• The Heritage service was to have further cost savings of £1.019m during this year, but the Executive decided in December to reverse this proposal until a public consultation has taken place on the future delivery of these services.

• The Fire and Rescue Service are proposing to receive £325.000 this financial year and £2.953m in future years to provide funding for both maintaining existing, replacement equipment and new equipment to new recruits. These proposals and others will go before full Council on the 22nd February for approval should the Executive so decide.

District Councillor:

• Budget 2019/2020. Preparation of next year’s budget now in final stages. Sound management means NKDC very well placed unlike some other councils. Annual budget approx. £13.1 million presented to Executive Board and Scrutiny Panel on 17th January. Full council will consider future council tax later - likely to look at increase of no more than £5 or 3% (whichever is the greater) for a band D home = c.9.5 pence/week.

• £200m investment plan. Next year’s budget just part of a bigger picture. NKDC is investing £200 million in the future of our District. Investments include housing, employment land and workshops, improved leisure facilities and vital infrastructure. Being one of the best managed Councils in England allows NK to invest for all our futures.

• New Year, New Jobs. NK recently announced a £40 million new business park near Sleaford that will create 600 quality jobs. It will join over 100 council-built business units throughout the district. NK’s commitment to boosting business means we have some of the best rates of job creation and new business start-ups in the entire UK. And amongst the lowest unemployment.

• Protecting Pets. NK Licensing is one of the first in the country applying new animal welfare protection rules covering businesses dealing with pets and other non-farm animals including pet shops, kennels and catteries. The aim is to protect vulnerable animals and make sure all businesses live up to the standards of the best.

• Protecting Democracy. Your vote is precious - everyone deserves a clean, fair democratic system whatever their political viewpoint. NK is proud to be trialling a voter ID scheme at May’s elections designed to stamp out electoral fraud. There will be an extensive information campaign and the trial will help Government design national systems to protect our democracy. See dedicated webpage at www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/VoterID . Postal votes are already covered, and anyone can apply for a postal vote via the ‘your vote matters’ website at https://www.yourvotematters.co.uk/

• Primary Health Care. Councillor Carrington presenting a Task & Finish Group report to NK Executive Board on 5th February - for details see Exec agenda reports pack.

198/M/19 Closed Session.

The Chairman moved that the remainder of the business be held in ‘committee’ and that the public and press be excluded there from for reason that the business to be transacted or advice tendered is of a confidential nature, which could be prejudicial to the public interest to publicise. Members resolved to proceed on that basis, ‘in committee.’

Members of the public and County and District Councillors left the building at this point.

199/M/18 To approve the new pay scales for the office staff and to amend contracts of employment accordingly with effect from 1st April 2019.

It was resolved to approve the new pay scales for the office staff and amend the contracts of employment accordingly, from 1st April 2019.

200/M/18 To approve the new rates of pay for ancillary staff with effect from 1st April 2019.

It was resolved to approve the new rates of pay for the ancillary staff.

201/M/18 To approve the revised pay dates for all staff on the recommendation of the Policy and Resources committee.

It was resolved to amend the dates on a rolling programme over 2019/20.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:51.