January 2019 minutes

A meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee of Heighington Parish Council was held on Monday 14th January 2019 in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 19.30. There were no members of the public in attendance.

Present Cllr A. Buckley-Jones 

Cllr C. J. Dunning

Cllr N. Briscoe

Cllr D. Chantler

Cllr S. Sockell

RFO J. James


The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and wished everyone a Happy New Year.


73/R/18 Apologies for absence, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

There were no declarations of interest and no requests for dispensations.


74/R/18 To approve the RFO’s notes as minutes from the last meeting of the committee.

It was resolved that the RFO’s notes from the Policy and Resources Committee Meeting of the 3rd December 2018 be approved, with a minor amendment to show that the RFO left the meeting at 8.30pm.


75/R/18 Responsible Finance Officer’s report (for information only.)

• Confirmation has been received from the Unity Trust Bank that the application for a Credit card has been approved.

• A VAT refund of £618.59 was requested from HMRC on the 4th January 2019.


Planning Matters and Tree Works.

Tree work applications for Members consultative comments (taking into account of any correspondence received from local residents).

There were no Tree Work applications to consider at this meeting


Tree work Decision Notices received from North Kesteven District Council.   

There were no new Tree Work decision notices for consideration.


Planning applications for Members consultative comments (taking account of any correspondence received from local residents).

There were no Planning applications for consideration.


Decision notices for Members consultative comments (taking account of any correspondence received from local residents.

 There were no Decision notices for consideration.


76/R/18 To consider the wording on the Condition of Hire for the Council sports grounds.

Members agreed that the current documentation required further work to be carried out by Councillor Buckley-Jones, Councillor Dunning and the Customer Services Manager. The revised document to be presented for consideration at the full Council meeting on the 28th January 2019.


77/R/18 To consider the revised Civic meeting calendar for 2019/2020.

Members agreed to recommend the document to the full Council meeting on the 28th January 2019.


78/R/18 To consider the quotations received from solicitors to proceed with registration of Council properties and land with the Land Registry.

Members agreed that further enquiries are to be made to obtain clarification from the solicitors regarding their charges and that a detailed breakdown of costs is required. The committee asked the Clerk to pursue this so that it can be considered at the next full Council meeting on the 28th January 2019.

79/R/18 To consider the quotations received for a replacement boiler at the Pavilion, Station Road, Heighington.

Members noted that it was proving difficult to obtain two quotations to replace the boiler from local companies. Members agreed that further enquiries are to be made by the Clerk to obtain quotations and refer the matter to the Property Services Committee on the 18th February 2019 for further consideration.


80/R/18 To consider the quotations received for Legionella Testing at the Jubilee Hall, the Pavilion Station Road and the Pavilion Potterhanworth Road, Heighington.

Members agreed that further clarification by the Clerk was required regarding the quotations that had been received. This matter will be considered by the Property Services Committee meeting on the 18th February 2019.


81/R/18 To consider the draft Meeting/Event request form.

Members approved the administrative document for Councillors to complete when organising public events.


82/R/18 To consider correspondence from the Christmas Festival Committee in relation to the market stalls ad to make recommendations.

It was noted that Councillor Chantler has been invited to attend the Christmas Festival Committee AGM on the 28th January 2019.  Pending the outcome of the Christmas Festival Committees’ AGM, Members agreed that further discussions and work on the draft agreement between the Council and the Christmas Market Festival Committee is required.


83/R/18 To resolve to move into closed session.

The Chairman moved that the remainder of the business is held in ‘committee’ and that the public and press be excluded there from for the reason that the business to be transacted or advice tendered is that of a confidential nature. Members resolved to proceed on that basis, in ‘committee’.


84/R/18 To make recommendations in respect of the Precept 2019/2020.

The RFO’s proposed Precept was presented to the members. Members agreed to recommend that the Precept for 2019/2020 be £86010.73 which represents a 2.94% increase on the demand for 2018/2019. The recommendation should go to the full Council meeting on the 28th January 2019 for approval.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.51.