December 2024 agenda

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 9th December 2024 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington. 

E Atkin

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk

3rd December 2024


15 Minute Public Participation

(Maximum 3 minutes per member of the public)

When members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the council. A question shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate on the question.  The chairman may direct that a written or oral response be given. 



1. To receive and accept apologies, where valid reasons for absence have been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

2. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on Monday 11th November 2024 and for the Chair to sign these as the official minutes.

4. To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).

5. To note the list of correspondence and meetings since the November council meeting.


Financial matters:

6. To approve the monthly accounts for November 2024, including List of Payments, List of Receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation.

7. To note overtime worked in October and paid in November.

8. To consider opening a Unity trust instant access savings account.

9. To consider further additions to the Station Road play area in this financial year.

10. To set the hire charges for 2025-26.

11. To consider the draft budget for 2025-26.

12. To ratify the purchase (under delegated authority) of a high-speed buffer from CSG, which is suitable for the Jubilee Hall flooring, the existing buffer being the wrong type for these floors.

13. To consider commissioning an annual tree assessment, in addition to the 5-year formal tree inspection.


Planning Matters and Tree Works:

14. To consider tree works applications received from NKDC for consideration (including those considered between meetings).

None received.

15. To note tree decision notices from NKDC.

None received.

16. To note the planning applications received from NKDC for consideration (including those considered between meetings).

a. 24/1232/LBC. Removal and replacement of plaster coverings to hall and landing (part retrospective). Albert House, 6 High Street, Heighington.

Considered offline – council had no comments.

b. 24/1040/LBC. Replace existing boiler. 18 High Street, Heighington, LN4 1RG.

17. To note planning decision notices from NKDC.

a. 24/1100/HOUS. Installation of external wall insulation and render. Cladding to contrasting brickwork and sofits and fascias. 61 Canterbury Drive, Heighington.

Application approved.

b. 23/0636/OUT. Outline planning application to include details of access, layout and scale for the erection of 4no. terraced industrial/commercial units (use classes E(g)(i), E(g)(ii) and E(g)(iii). Land adjacent to True Window Care and JNE Trading, Potterhanworth Road, Heighington.

Notification that application has been withdrawn.


18. To review the Four Year Plan.

19. To consider alterations of one of the changing rooms at Station Road to accommodate the u3a model railway group.

20. To consider a request from Millfield Primary Academy PTA to use the Jubilee Hall for their Community Easter Egg Hunt in 2025.


Financial reports

Other background papers