January 2024 minutes
The Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 8th January 2024 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington.
Councillor Buckley-Jones
Councillor Catlow
Councillor Catterson
Councillor Craig
Councillor Farrington
Councillor George
Councillor Rushby
Councillor Sockell (Chair)
Councillor Sowerby
Councillor Trafford
Clerk – Elaine Atkin
Responsible Finance Officer - Nikki Briscoe
NKDC Councillor Reece Harrington (arrived 7:03pm)
Councillor Watkinson
NKDC Councillor Carola Goodwin
NKDC & LCC Councillor Ian Carrington
There were 2 members of the public present.
Public participation
A member of the public shared a report with council showing the rainfall and ground water information for December (collated from publicly available sources). The report shows that:
- In 2023 we received 125% of the normal rainfall levels.
- 2023 was very dry in some months but then extremely wet in other months.
- Storm Babett in October 2023 caused mainly surface water flooding.
- 10 mAOD (meters above ordnance datum) is the groundwater threshold at which we then get groundwater flooding.
- Storm Henk in January 2024 pushed the groundwater level sharply above this 10mAOD threshold.
The Chair thanked the member of public for this information.
1 member of the public left (7:07pm).
A member of the public noted that the agenda was not on the website (an error was showing) and had to look at the agenda posted on the noticeboard at the Spar. The Chair apologised for this and explained there was obviously a glitch with the website which would be resolved.
182/M/23 To receive apologies for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Watkinson. Also, from NKDC Cllr Goodwin and NKDC & LCC Cllr Carrington.
183/M/23 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations
There were none.
184/M/23 To approve the draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 11th December 2023 and for these to be signed as the agreed minutes
It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved to approve the Parish Council minutes. The minutes were duly signed.
185/M/23 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only)
Cllr Carrington had sent through a report, which the Chair read out. In summary:
- The return of both ground and surface water flooding is a tragedy for those involved.
- Heighington will be one of the case studies in the LCC Section 19 enquiry currently underway following Storm Babet.
- LCC ground water specialists will be working with the school and their insurers to ensure appropriate solutions are factored into the reconstruction work.
- Plans for LCC specialists to meet with the parish council and residents to ensure they get all the local knowledge we have on the flooding issues – to be arranged.
- Cllr Carrington is pushing to ensure that all the relevant agencies work together better and more innovatively to deal with the situation caused by climate change.
- The local MP, DEFRA Minister for Rural Affairs and national chairman of the Environment Agency visited the recent flooding and met with the school team and local residents who had been impacted. They then visited Washingborough to see the overgrown and badly maintained watercourses.
Councillors also noted that:
- DEFRA have announced plans for fairer payments to landowners who allow their land to flood in order to save homes and businesses.
- The Heighington beck catchment area extends to Bracebridge Heath. Any large development in this area, including a planned development at Canwick, will impact us. It is not clear how the displaced water from such development will be dealt with.
- Farmers who pay fees to the Internal Drainage Board for draining their land, are looking to claim it back due to flooding issues with the River Witham and Sincil Drain.
186/M/23 To note the list of correspondence and meetings since the December council meeting
This was noted.
Financial matters:
187/M/23 To approve the monthly accounts for December, including List of Payments, List of receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation
The RFO pointed out duplicate Total Energy direct debit payments which came out in December. This had now been resolved and a credit will show on the next report. The Net Position had been reviewed.
The RFO confirmed that the December bank reconciliation had been checked and signed by Cllr Catterson prior to the meeting.
The bank balances as shared with council for December 2023 were: Unity Trust current account - £87,754.59, Co-op current account - £30,015.24, PSDF (Public Sector Deposit Fund account) - £48,000.
It was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved to approve the monthly accounts for December.
188/M/23 To note overtime worked in November and paid in December
The overtime report was noted.
189/M/23 To agree the final 2024-25 budget
It was proposed by Cllr Catterson, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to agree the 2024-25 final budget at £113,851.26.
190/M/23 To agree the NKDC precept demand for 2024-25
It was proposed by Cllr Catlow, seconded by Cllr George and resolved that the 2024-25 final precept demand to NKDC should be for £106,851.26, which represents an increase of 4.21% for Band D equivalent properties, and for the shortfall of £7,000 against budget to be funded from income received (which is not guaranteed) and from reserves. The RFO will complete and submit the NKDC precept demand form.
191/M/23 To note the intermediate internal audit report for 2023-24 and agree any actions required
The report was shared. Key points are:
- The council has up to date policies for most areas of the council business. The clerk is developing a Co-options Policy for review by the council to ensure there is full transparency for prospective candidates.
- The council has published all the required documents to meet the Transparency Code and best practice. The only outstanding document is the asset register which the council is already aware of. Significant and thorough work has been carried out by the officers of the council to review and update the asset valuations. The clerk reports that this should be ready by the end of the financial year.
- The council is following all proper practices. There is a strong system of governance and internal controls which is supported by excellent financial record keeping. Officers of the council have worked hard over the year to address matters raised in the last internal audit, particularly in relation to the asset register.
Officers were congratulated on the excellent report.
Planning Matters and Tree Works:
192/M/23 To consider tree works applications received from NKDC
None received.
193/M/23 To note tree decision notices from NKDC
a. 23/1376/TCA. T1 Holly – crown lift to 2.4m. Land to west of chapel of Ease, Chapel Lane, Heighington, LN4 1RS. TPO not required.
194/M/23 To note the planning applications received from NKDC for consideration.
None received.
195/M/23 To note planning decision notices from NKDC
a. 23/1036/HOUS. Erection of a 1.5 storey rear extension and alterations and new front boundary wall with driveway gates. 17 high Street, Heighingon. Application approved.
b. 23/0754/LBC. Proposed internal alterations to create two additional bathrooms. Albert House, 6 High Street, Heighington. Application approved.
c. 23/1292/HOUS. Erection of 2 storey side extension, first floor side extension and single storey rear extension together with widening of existing access and new pedestrian gate. Whitegates, Back Lane, Heighington. Application approved.
196/M/23 To approve a Co-option Policy
It was proposed by Cllr Catterson, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to approve the Co-option Policy, which will be added to the website.
197/M/23 To agree to progress an Emergency Plan
It was proposed by Cllr Craig, seconded by Cllr Trafford and resolved to progress an Emergency Plan. The clerk will contact the Emergency Planning Team to clarify the process.
198/M/23 To consider a request from a parishioner for a pedestrian crossing on Branston Road, near the Sheepwash junction
Council acknowledged the safety issues for children travelling from Heighington (and Washingborough) to Branston Academy via this route and having to cross the road. The clerk confirmed that the faded road markings had been reported on Fixmystreet in December and the latest update is that Highways are assessing what can be done to resolve this.
There were concerns raised over what might be permissible, given the speed limit on this stretch of road (40 MPH) and proximity to the Sheepwash junction.
It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Trafford and resolved to support the parishioner’s request in principle, and for the clerk to clarify the process and any restrictions which may impact it.
199/M/23 To confirm the first and second choice locations for the new bin agreed (minute reference 072/M/23), so that NKDC approval of the location can be sought
It was proposed by Cllr Sowerby, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved that if permitted, we would like to install the new large bin on Back Lane, at the bottom of the footpath through to St Aubins Crescent (where there is currently a bin sited), and for the current bin to be moved to the top of this footpath where it comes out onto St Aubins Crescent.
It was also noted that the top of the litter bin on Mill Lane near the seat next to the beck had been removed and so far, not been found. This will cost the council approximately £200 if we have to replace it.
200/M/23 To receive an update on the Zero Carbon Parishes project
The following update was provided:
- The hedgerow plants for Potterhanworth Road are due sometime in mid-February.
- No further progress has been made with installation of the water butts and cycle racks and time is running out so these need to be progressed.
201/M/23 To receive the latest update regarding Chafer Bugs on council land (standing agenda item)
Cllr Trafford reported there was no damage evident from the crows on Station Road field (as there was this time last year). It was also noted that the lower field at Potterhanworth Road was very wet.
202/M/23 CLOSED SESSION. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Catlow and resolved to move into closed session.
The NKDC councillor and member of the public left the meeting (7:47pm).
203/M/23 To consider quotes for pipe lagging/boxing at the Jubilee Hall
It was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to chase for further quotes and clarify that lagging and boxing in is required. Quotes to be brought back to a future meeting.
The meeting closed at 7:55pm.
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.
Correspondence and meetings since December 2023
2024-25 budget total and precept options