November 2021 minutes

A meeting was held on Monday 8th November 2021, in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 19:30.


Public Participation                                                                                                                           

There were six members of the public present. One member of the public read a short statement on behalf of the Reflections Glass Group under item 12 on the agenda.


Present:              Councillor Buckley-Jones (Chairman)

                              Councillor Rushby          

Councillor Trafford

Councillor Hemlin


District Councillor Tinsley

District & County Councillor Carrington


Clerk                                                  E. Salter

Responsible Finance Officer       N. Briscoe


116/M/21           Chairman’s welcome.

The Chairman welcomed those present and thanked them for coming.


117/M/21          To receive Apologies for Absence, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Councillor Sockell, Councillor George, Councillor Nicklin, District Councillor Goodwin, Councillor Dziadkiewicz, Councillor Pattle and Councillor Grimshaw.

Declarations of Interest: There were no Declarations of Interest.

Requests for Dispensations: There were no Requests for Dispensations.


The Chairman asked members if they would be happy to move onto item 12 on the agenda before any other business. Members agreed.


118/M/21          To consider making a donation to the Reflections Glass Group for their work on the telephone box on the High Street.

Members were informed that the glass work created by the Reflections Glass Group has now been installed at the top of the telephone box on the High Street. 10 or 11 members of the group took part in this project. No correspondence or minutes have been found to confirm a commission from the Parish Council or an agreement to meet the costs. After taking into consideration the time and effort put in by the group, members resolved to donate £250.00 to cover the cost of materials used. The Parish Council thanked the group for work done as it has greatly improved its appearance.

Four members of the public left the meeting.


119/M/21           To approve Clerk’s Notes.

The draft notes from the meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 11th October 2021 were taken as read and approved as minutes. The draft notes from the Property and Finance Committee meeting on Monday 27th September 2021 were received for information.


Planning Matters and Tree Works.

Tree works received from NKDC.

120/M/21 21/1621/TCA Harvest House, Chapel Lane, Heighington. Reduce line of conifers on north-western boundary to 5m. The Council had no comment to make, and it was resolved to refer to the tree officer.


Tree works decision notices received from NKDC.

No tree works decision notices have been received.


Planning applications received from NKDC.

121/M/21 21/1230/FUL The Little Grange, Park Lane, Heighington. Demolition of existing garage and erection of new residential annex. Members considered this application and had no comments to make, however members were disappointed that no green technologies were to be used in this application.


Planning decision notices received from NKDC.

122/M/21 21/1185/HOUS 14 Park Lane, Heighington. Demolition to part of existing boundary wall and alteration to part of the remainder of existing boundary wall. Notification received from North Kesteven District Council that this application has been approved.

123/M/21 21/1172/HOUS 8 Millers Close, Heighington. Re-submission of planning application 21/0389/HOUS (remove existing conservatory and replace with wrap around single storey extension to provide additional living space and small annexe) – addition of window to ground floor east elevation extension. Notification received from North Kesteven District Council that this application has been approved.

124/M/21 21/1168/HOUS 80 Washingborough Road, Heighington. Erection of single storey extension to front of existing bungalow and rendering of existing brickwork. Notification received from North Kesteven District Council that this application has been approved.

125/M/21 21/0907/HOUS The Dovecote, The Old Stack Yard, Heighington. Proposed extension to detached garage to create a new form of ancillary accommodation. Notification received from North Kesteven District Council that this application has been approved.

126/M/21 21/0957/HOUS Brunssum 4 Beck Lane, Heighington. Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of a two-storey building with ground floor garage and first floor family annexe. Notification from North Kesteven District Council that this application has been withdrawn.


127/M/21          Clerk’s report (for information only).

  • To note that works to repair the stone walls at Jubilee Hall will commence on the 15th November 2021.
  • To note that a Geocache has been placed at the back of the telephone box on the High Steet. This is part of the “A fine pair” series which means that an old red phone box and post box are within 100 feet of each other. This is now quite rare across the country.
  • Councillors have received information regarding the Local Transport Plan Consultation and are asked to complete the survey or send their comments into the office by 26th November 2021 so that a response can be co-ordinated.
  • The handcrafted poppies for Remembrance are now on display at St. Thomas’ until 18th November.
  • Councillors have received information regarding the Lincoln Eastern Bypass survey and are asked to complete the questionnaire online.
  • To note that a key safe will be installed at Jubilee Hall to cover bookings that cannot be serviced by a member of staff.


128/M/21           Correspondence (Read file for Members’ perusal).

  • Environmental Warden’s report
  • Neighbourhood Policing Team Newsletter (Quarterly Briefing)
  • Notification of the Annual OPCC Policing Precept Survey


129/M/21           To request a volunteer to give a reading at the Carol Service at St. Thomas’ Church on behalf of Heighington Parish Council.

Councillor Rushby had registered an interest prior to the meeting. It was resolved that Councillor Rushby would give a reading at the Carol Service on 16 December 2021.


130/M/21          To receive an update on the Christmas Tree.

Further to minute number 109/M/21 from the Parish Council meeting held on 11 October 2021, the clerk informed members that after receiving advice from the caretaker and groundsman that there would not be enough room to plant a Christmas Tree in the garden at Jubilee Hall. The General Administrator had obtained quotes for a smaller tree that could be placed in the foyer of Jubilee Hall. It was also noted that all the Christmas lights failed the PAT testing and new ones would need to be purchased. Following a discussion regarding North Kesteven District Council’s Tree Strategy and concerns over lights being left on while the building was unattended over the Christmas period because of a lack of access to suitable plugs and timers, members agreed not to have a Christmas Tree this year and purchase new lights for the outside of the Jubilee Hall.


131/M/21           To consider the Recreation Advisory Forum’s recommendation to hold a festive afternoon tea for the older residents of the village on 15 December 2021 in the Jubilee Hall.

Councillor Rushby informed members of the recommendation from the Recreation Advisory Forum (minute no 13/A/21 25 October 2021) to hold a staggered afternoon tea for older residents of the village. Members agreed that this event should take place and all Councillors were asked to donate a raffle prize.


132/M/21           To consider the Grant Application received from St. Johns Church.

Members, after a brief discussion, resolved that more information regarding the costs of grass cutting would need to be obtained and that the church should look into the God’s Acre scheme. Members resolved to contribute in the future towards a wildlife friendly church yard.


Financial Matters.

133/M/21           To approve the monthly accounts for September 2021.

The monthly accounting statements for October 2021 were approved by Councillor Trafford before the meeting.

  • To note that a refund of VAT for £2,687.69 had been received on 25th October 2021 for period July, August & September 2021.


134/M/21           To note procedure following the non-attendance of a Parish Councillor.

Members were informed that Councillor Cann had not attended or sent apologies for six consecutive meetings. The Clerk had sent correspondence informing Councillor Cann that under S85 of the Local Government Act 1972 that he would cease to be member unless the absence was approved, however no reply had been received. Members resolved to remove Councillor Cann. The Clerk is to inform the Monitoring Officer at North Kesteven District Council of this decision so that a vacancy can be advertised.


135/M/21           To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).

District Councillors' Report

Heighington, Washingborough & Canwick

November 2021



Data as at 6 Nov 21:

  • England 402 positive tests per 100,000 
  • North Kesteven 402
  • Heighington area 503
  • Washingborough & Canwick area 498
  • 87% of adult population (12 and over) have had 1st dose
  • 80% have had 2nd dose
  • 17.5% have had the Booster jab.

Waste Bins

The second week’s collection of Purple Bins resulted in 326 tonnes of dry and clean paper and cardboard being collected; 98% of which was in perfect recyclable condition. 99.2% of bins were emptied, showing a healthy increase from the previous month’s 98.5%.

Green bin collections start week commencing 8 Nov. The last collection saw a reduction from 33% to 16% in contamination which means a lot less bins not being emptied and an increase in the amount of waste that could be recycled. 

Corporate Peer Challenge

Over the week commencing 1 Nov, NKDC was subject to a Corporate Peer Challenge which involved a group of Councillors and Officers from around the country visiting Sleaford and studying the Council’s methods and practices. The week involved a positive and transparent exchange of views with Officers and Councillors, and it will be followed up with a report which NKDC will consider in a few weeks’ time.

Early indications are that the team considered the Council to be stable and well run with good financial controls.


By-Elections will take place on 11 Nov 21 in Metheringham and Sleaford Castle Ward to fill 3 Councillor vacancies.


Washingborough Conservation Area

The conservation area in Washingborough which covers 18.4 hectares and was initially set up in 1975, will be the subject of a review commencing early next year. The review will produce a report which will go to public consultation around Spring 2022.

The aim of the review will be to establish if the area continues to justify special status because of its architectural or historic interest. The appraisal will establish which elements of the area merit preserving and enhancing, resulting in a Management Plan which will set out how the area can be improved.


Council Tax Support Scheme

Consultation on the scheme, which provides ways to support people who need assistance to pay their Council Tax, is underway and will conclude on 3 Dec. Residents are encouraged to share their views and can access the consultation through the NKDC website.


Rough Sleepers


As the weather becomes colder the focus on rough sleepers increases. The Council’s Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP), which includes the Rough Sleeper initiative that works in tandem with Change4Lincs, provides specialist services for those who sleep rough or are at risk of being street homeless. If residents have concerns about any individual who may be rough sleeping, or may be at risk, they should contract Change4Lincs Services or the Housing Options Team at NKDC.


Cllr. Ian Carrington – November LCC briefing note:


Supporting investment in our county

Our economic development team have been developing a series of 'Sector Propositions' to entice new inward investment into the region, grow the economy and create and safeguard jobs.


These propositions showcase the region's offer – comparing us with the UK and neighbouring regions, telling investors about our skilled workforce and our outstanding R&D capabilities, the competitive land prices, and enviable quality of life.


Four propositions have been published to date in Agrifood, Low Carbon Energy & Industry, Logistics and Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing sectors. Also in development are propositions for Visitor Economy, Defence, Health & Life Sciences and Digital Technology and these will be ready in the coming months.


We all know how fantastic our County is so let's tell everyone else - please share these propositions widely and refer any investors or companies wanting to locate here to the Place and Investment Team at


Consultation launches on new Local Transport Plan 

Lincolnshire County Council has started consulting on a new Local Transport Plan that sets out a vision for travelling around the county for the next 10 years.


Our current Local Transport Plan covers 2013/14 to 2022/23 and includes the Lincoln Eastern Bypass and the East West Link Road, Grantham Southern Relief Road, and Spalding Western Relief Road amongst its ambitions.


The new Local Transport Plan addresses six themes:

•             Supporting economic growth – connecting people to employment, and businesses to customers

•             Future-ready green transport – reducing emissions

•             Promoting thriving environments – making sure transport enhances, not spoils, local areas

•             Ensuring health and safety – making sure transport is safe and responsibly managed

•             Promoting high aspirations – providing access to education, training, and support services

•             Improving quality of life

We're asking residents for their opinions on these themes, and the potential projects outlined in the plan. These include developing mobility hubs at larger towns and at the coast, making Grantham and Boston 'electric bus towns', developing an electric vehicle charging network, and supporting improvements on the A1 and the Lincoln to Nottingham railway line.


You can find the Local Transport Plan draft document and complete the consultation online at The survey will close at midnight on Wednesday 1 December 2021.


Lincoln Eastern Bypass 1 Year On

A year on from the opening of the LEB we are now assessing the impact it has had on all the roads in the city area including outlying villages. 


As part of our evaluation, we will be running an online survey asking people whether the new bypass has improved their journeys in and around Lincoln and if the new road has met their expectations. 


The questionnaire will launch on Monday 1 November at and will close on Sunday 28 November.


As I reported last month, survey cables and cameras are in place to capture the number of vehicles traveling key routes and will help us paint a picture of how the bypass has affected traffic patterns at various times of the day. The results of our findings will be sent to the Department for Transport as part of the funding agreement we have with them.


Geological Disposal Facility working group update

The council's executive this month took the decision to join Radioactive Waste Management's working group to find out more about a possible Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) at Theddlethorpe. The nominated representative to this group is Cllr Martin Hill. Following the recommendation from the Environment and Economy Scrutiny committee, Theddlethorpe Parish Council were invited and have agreed to join the working group too. East Lindsey District Council have also taken the decision to be part of the group.

The group has now had its first meeting, independently chaired by Jon Collins – the former leader of Nottingham City Council.

The working group is an information gathering exercise. Participating in the group does not mean the council wants the GDF at the Theddlethorpe site and it will be a community decision as to whether a GDF should be built. The council's involvement is therefore to make sure that residents and businesses have access to information they need, and to help reflect their views.

A series of community engagement events are now being held in local communities and the details of those can be found at


Health Service Future

Health Scrutiny urges strong response to consultation on Lincolnshire NHS services

Lincolnshire's Health Scrutiny Committee has confirmed that a working group will be looking at a detailed response to the consultation exercise on the future of four NHS services.


NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group has begun a formal consultation exercise which ends on 23 December 2021, on the future of four NHS services:

•             Orthopaedic surgery across Lincolnshire

•             Urgent and emergency care at Grantham and District Hospital

•             Acute medical beds at Grantham and District Hospital

•             Stroke services across Lincolnshire

The Health Scrutiny Committee wants to see improved services rather than any reduction in support across the county and it will be giving a full response after considering all the elements.

All interested people, families and groups in the county are being encouraged to share their views using the consultation questionnaire. Over the coming weeks public meetings, virtual meetings, marketplace meet-ups and website events will also be taking place. Full details are available at


New pumps for improved response to flooding

Two new trailer-mounted flood pumps have been bought by the county council as the lead local flood authority to support the emergency services more effectively when they respond to flooding.


They are purpose-built to deal with flood water and debris and can pump water out twice as fast as a fire appliance. They are towed by 4x4 vehicles and after initial set-up, only need two firefighters to operate them, freeing up fire appliances and other staff to respond to other emergencies.

The new equipment and two existing pumps used for flooded roads and properties, will be strategically located at Gainsborough, Wragby, Alford and Holbeach offering a better countywide response to surface water and other flooding. The county's existing flood pumps have been used multiple times in the last few years, including to keep key infrastructure running during flooding at Boston Hospital and Wainfleet.


Bumper British summer next year in Lincoln Castle

A brand-new event celebrating the very best food, drink and beer in the county will be coming to Lincoln Castle during next year's summer holidays.


The event will showcase the wealth of fantastic food, drink, and beer producers we have across Greater Lincolnshire, including an array of food from around the county and a craft beer tent featuring local brews from our incredible artisan producers and our biggest names alike.


The celebration will be part of a huge summer of events at the Castle throughout June, July, and August.


The festival season will launch with the Great British Outdoor picnic, a chance for people to come together over the Queen's Jubilee bank holiday weekend in June and culminate with the return of the Steampunk Festival to its spiritual home at the castle over the August bank holiday weekend.


There is a call for Greater Lincolnshire businesses to apply to be part of the event and interested businesses can register their interest.


Wellbeing Lincs Service Report

The Wellbeing Lincs Service Report for 2019 to 2021 is out now and available via the LCC website. The report covers two years of performance data for the service and coverage of the vital work provided by Wellbeing Lincs during the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020. 


Our wellbeing service is designed to help people live independently with a little added support. This might mean support around the home such as equipment and adaptations or access to Telecare. Or it might mean some financial or mental health support – all geared to keep people safe and healthy in their own homes.


Biscathorpe Oil Drilling

You may have followed in the press the case of the application to drill for oil at a site near Biscathorpe. The LCC Planning & Regulatory Committee visited the site on 1st November (in truly biblical weather conditions). The Committee then held a planning meeting in a hotel near Louth to allow local people to attend in greater numbers than would be possible in the Council Chamber and after lengthy and very thorough debate the Committee refused the application.



The Chairman informed members that Lee Fawkes would be giving a short presentation at the beginning of the next Parish Council meeting on December 13th regarding his proposal to reopen Heighington railway Station. Members were also invited to stay afterwards for a mince pie.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:28 hours.


Signed:                                                                            Date