September 2020 agenda
9th September 2020
Dear Councillors and Residents
Notice is herein given that a meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 14th September 2020, starting at 7.30pm by video conferencing. Public Participation in respect of the agenda will be invited before the meeting and all are welcome to attend, please email for details of how to be included in this meeting.
1. Chairman’s welcome.
2. To receive Apologies for Absence, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.
3. To approve notes as minutes from the meeting of the Parish Council on 13th July 2020. Notes from the Policy and Resources Committee meeting on the 27th July 2020. Notes from the Property Services Committee meeting on the 10th August 2020.
4. Planning Matters
• Tree works received from NKDC
20/1015/TPO 12 Lindrick Close, Heighington LN4 1TN. T26 Silver Birch - crown reduced all round by 3-4m
• Tree works decision notices received from NKDC
• Planning applications received from NKDC
20/0924/HOUS 102 Washingborough Road, Heighington Lincoln LN4 1QR.
Alterations and extensions to existing bungalow including raising of roof to allow for additional accommodation at ground floor lever and new accommodation within the roof.
20/0849/FUL Farm Shop, The Willows, Bardney Road, Heighington LN4 1AQ Proposed sunroom extension linking the property to the existing farm shop.
Planning decision notices received from NKDC
20/07/HOUS 12 Park Lane, Heighington, Lincoln. Erection of single storey front extension with porch. This application has been approved by North Kesteven District Council.
20/0759/HOUS Orchard House, 25 Sheppards Close, Heighington, Lincoln.
Erection of a brick and block open frontage wood store. This application has been approved by North Kesteven District Council.
5. Clerk’s Report (for information only).
• The storeroom at the Jubilee Hall has been tidied and old paperwork has been bagged waiting for shredding, collection to be arranged.
• An inventory of the cleaner’s cupboard was carried out and the necessary sanitising equipment ordered.
• To provide an update on the web training provided by LCC regarding the replacement Parish Council website.
• Fields in Trust application forms sent on the 26th August 2020.
6. Correspondence (Read file for Members’ perusal).
• Environmental operatives report for July.
7. Financial Matters
• To approve the monthly accounts for July 2020.
• To note that the transfer of £3292 from code 23 to 22 and £1000.00 from code 29 to 31 has been completed.
• A small business grant of £10,000.00 has been awarded to the Parish Council.
8. To receive recommendations from the Policy and Resources Committee regarding the following policies:
• Communications Policy
• Complaints Procedure and Handling Method
• Filming and Recording of Meetings Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Public Participation Policy
• Social Media Policy
• Vulnerable persons Policy
• Volunteer Policy
9. To note that the Litter Pick grant application forms have been received and completed.
10. To note the Cessation Valuation report regarding the Lincolnshire Pension Fund.
11. To consider a replacement bank signatory for Unity Trust Bank, Co-operative Bank and PSDF bank.
12. To consider that the Co-Clerk Operations has the authority with the banks to view and submit payments waiting for approval. To bring all bank accounts up to date with the authorised signatories and points of contact.
13. To discuss the use of Jubilee Hall for the Christmas Market event.
14. To discuss the email received from LALC regarding Planning for the Future.
15. To receive an update regarding S106 monies.
16. To note the quotes received for a contract cleaner for the Jubilee Hall.
17. To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).
18. To resolve to move into closed session.
19. Staff matters.
Yours faithfully
J James
Co-Clerk Finance