June 2020 agenda
3rd June 2020
Dear Councillors and Residents
Notice is herein given that a meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 8th June 2020, starting at 7.30pm by video conferencing.
Public Participation in respect of the agenda will be invited before the meeting and all are welcome to attend, please email heighingtonpc@gmail.com for details of how to be included in this meeting.
1. Chairman’s welcome.
2. To receive Apologies for Absence, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.
3. To approve notes as minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 11th May 2020. Notes from the Property Services Committee meeting on the 18th May 2020 for information.
4. Planning Matters
• Tree works received from North Kesteven District Council.
• Tree works Decision Notices received from North Kesteven District Council.
• Planning applications received from North Kesteven District Council.
20/0187/FUL 16 Washingborough Road, Heighington, Lincoln. Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling and erection of 2 dwellings.
20/0622/LBC Stone House, Mill Lane, Heighington, Lincoln. Replace all existing windows.
18/0833/HOUS Lectron House, High Street, Heighington LN4 1JS. Application for a non-material amendment following the grant of planning permission. (Remove existing render and replace with new render, add oak cladding to central part of property covering existing brickwork and around dormer windows and add oak cladding to ground floor elevation) – cover the cheeks and front dormer window with lead rather than oak cladding.
• Planning Decision notices received from North Kesteven District Council.
5. Clerk’s Report (for information only).
• Letter sent to the Environmental Warden thanking him for his service.
• Email sent to Lincolnshire County Council highways confirming that the map showing the speed limit consultation was incorrectly named as Heighington Road when it should be Fen Road.
• To note that the grant applied for regarding rate relief from North Kesteven District Council has been confirmed that precepting authorities are not eligible for grant support.
• To note that Co-Clerk (Operations) contacted LALC to arrange training for two Councillors.
6. Correspondence (Read file for Members’ perusal).
7. Financial Matters
• To approve the monthly accounts for May 2020.
8. To note that a grant was applied for from Lincolnshire County Council on the 18th May 2020, for help with purchasing hand sanitising equipment for Jubilee Hall, Station Road and Potterhanworth Road.
9. Arrangements for the eventual reopening of the Jubilee Hall.
10. To note email received from Came & Co: Insurance regarding extended period of cover for un-occupied buildings.
11. To discuss Pike & Eure committee meetings.
12. To receive an update regarding S106 Garrett Rise.
13. To discuss the Parish Council Hire Agreements for club users.
14. To note email received from Marie Curie requesting support due to Covid-19.
15. To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).
16. Staff matters.
Yours faithfully
J James
Co-Clerk (Finance)