August 2020 agenda

5th August 2020

Dear Councillors and Parishioners

Notice is herein given that the next meeting of the Property Services Committee of the Parish Council will take place on Monday 10th August 2020, starting at 7.30pm by video conferencing. Public participation in respect of the agenda will be invited before the meeting and all are welcome to attend, please email for details for how to be included in this meeting.



1. Chairman’s opening remarks and welcome.

2. Apologies, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

3. To approve the Co-Clerk (Operations) notes from the meeting of the Property Services Committee Monday 18th May 2020 as minutes.

4. Planning matters:

- Tree Works received from NKDC.

20/1015/TPO 12 Lindrick Close, Heighington. T26 Silver Birch – Crown reduce all round by 3-4m.

- Tree Works decision notices received from NKDC.

- Planning applications received from NKDC.

20/0849/FUL The Willows, Bardney Road, Heighington. Proposed sunroom extension linking property to the existing Farm Shop.

- Planning Application decision notices received from NKDC.

5. Co-Clerk (Operations) report (for information only).

6. To consider replacing the tap in the disabled toilet at Jubilee Hall.

7. To receive an update on the S106 monies.

8. To consider maintenance to the flagpole.

9. To consider re-painting the water hydrants around the village.

10. To discuss the maintenance of the football pitches at Potterhanworth Road.

11. To consider replacing the toilet door locks and fitting kick down door stops at Potterhanworth Road pavilion.

12. To discuss moving the basket/netball equipment from Station Road pavilion to the Parish Council container at Potterhanworth Road.

13. To receive an update on the re-opening of council buildings.

14. To update members on the current property services budget.


Yours sincerely

Emma Salter

Co-Clerk (Operations)