February 2022 minutes

A Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 14th February 2022, in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington and commenced at 19:30.


Public Participation

There was one member of the public present.



Councillor Buckley-Jones (Chairman)

Councillor Sockell

Councillor Rushby          

 Councillor Trafford

Councillor George

 Councillor Pattle

Councillor Hemlin

Councillor Dziadkiewicz


District & County Councillor Carrington

District Councillor Tinsley


Clerk                                               E. Salter

Responsible Finance Officer       N. Briscoe


148/M/21          Chairman’s welcome.

The Chairman welcomed those present and thanked them for coming.


149/M/21           To receive Apologies for Absence, Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations.

Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from District Councillor Goodwin and Councillor Grimshaw.

Declarations of Interest: There were no Declarations of Interest.

Requests for Dispensations: There were no Requests for Dispensations.


150/M/21          To approve the draft notes as minutes from the meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 13th December 2021. To receive the draft notes, for information, from the Property and Finance Committee meeting on Monday 6th December 2021.     

The draft notes from the meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 13thDecember 2021 were taken as read and approved as minutes. Draft notes from the meeting of the Property and Finance Committee on Monday 6th December 2021 were received for information.


151/M/21          To consider the co-option of a new Councillor.

There has been one candidate who put themselves forward for the position of Parish Councillor. It was resolved to co-opt Mr Andrew Sowerby as a Councillor. Members introduced themselves and the Chairman welcomed Councillor Sowerby.


Planning Matters and Tree Works.

Tree works received from NKDC.

152/M/21 22/0155/TPO12 Lindrick Close, Heighington, Lincoln. LN4 1TN T20 Oak – reduce by 3m in height and 2m in width; T24 Beech – reduce by 3m in height and 2m in width. Members had no comment to make, and it was resolved to refer to the Tree Officer.


153/M/21 22/0197/TPO24 Kenyon Close, Heighington, Lincoln. LN5 1GJ T1 Beech – reduce height by approximately 5m and reshape to allow light; T2 Lime – reduce height by approximately 5m and reshape to allow light; T3 Ash – fell. Members had no comment to make, and it was resolved to refer to the Tree Officer.


Tree works decision notices received from NKDC.

  1. T1 Birch – reduce by 2m in height and 1m in width; T2 Ash – fell. Notification by North Kesteven District Council that a TPO is not required.
  2. T1 Birch – fell; T2 Birch – reduce lowest branches by 1m all round; T3 Rowan – crown lift to 15 feet. Notification by North Kesteven District Council that a TPO is not required.


Planning decision notices received from NKDC.

156/M/21 21/1637/HOUS43 Curtis Drive, Heighington, Lincoln. Erection of first floor extension above existing integral garage. Notification received from North Kesteven District Council that this application has been approved.

  1. Erection of flat roofed single storey extension to existing bungalow. Notification received for North Kesteven District Council that this application has been approved.


158/M/21 21/0308/FUL16 Washingborough Road, Heighington, Lincoln. Partial demolition and two storey side, single storey rear and linked double garage to front extension. Notification from North Kesteven District Council that this application has been approved.


159/M/21          21/1790/HOUS & 21/1791/LBC    The Hermitage, Mill Lane, Heighington, Lincoln. Formation of a new vehicle access and the installation of 1no. pair of timber gates within the existing vehicle access. Notification received by North Kesteven District Council that this application has been withdrawn.


160/M/21           Clerk’s report (for information only).

  • To note that the Environmental Warden will be on leave from 8th February to 5th March 2022.
  • The Parish Council would like to thank residents for carrying out litter picking around the village.
  • To note an email to the Clerking team informing them that a local student is litter picking the village for one hour per week as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
  • To note that two residents have received their trees from the Treescapes Fund.
  • Anglian Water have carried out essential work along the High Street to repair damaged sewers.
  • To note that an order has been placed for the Caretakers fleece and high viz jacket, additional ones have been ordered for staff/Councillors to use if attending council business at a cost of £109.80 excluding VAT.
  • To note the temporary traffic restriction on Branston Road by Anglian water from 15th-17th February 2022.
  • To note emergency repairs were carried out in January to repair the roof at Potterhanworth Road pavilion.
  • To note emergency repairs have been carried out on the heating system at Jubilee Hall.


161/M/21          Correspondence (Read file for Members’ perusal).

  • Environmental Warden’s report
  • Neighbourhood Policing Team Newsletter

The notice of vacancy has been received from North Kesteven District Council following Councillor Nicklin’s resignation, this has been placed on the notice board and posted on social media. Members would like to thank Councillor Nicklin for her contribution as a Parish Councillor.


  1. and when the Caretaker is not available.

Following the meeting of the working party on Tuesday 18 January, the revised hire conditions were sent out to all members prior to the meeting. Following a discussion, it was resolved that the Jubilee Hall would be available for bank holiday bookings provided that a member of the Council service the event. It was agreed that only one booking be taken per bank holiday period. Councillor Sockell informed members that she is willing to service the New Year 2022 booking. Members resolved to take one booking per weekend. Members approved the new conditions of hire for Jubilee Hall, and it was agreed that they be reviewed next year.


Members were informed that the hire charges remained unchanged for 2021/2022 as a gesture of good will following the pandemic. The Clerk informed members that some groups had folded, and others were struggling financially and lacking in members. Members resolved that regular village organisations (B1 & B2 class lettings) remain the same for 2022/2023. It was agreed that Private Hire (A1, C1, A2& C2 class lettings) increase by £1.00 per hour and that a new class of letting for regular commercial groups be charged at £14.00 per hour. The Clerking team will draw up a revised form for approval at the next meeting. Members resolved that the sports hire charges be increased by £5.00.


The clerking team had received information and a quotation from Forum Computers offering the Parish Council an upgrade to cloud services, which would enable staff to work from home if needed. Following a brief discussion regarding the benefits of cloud services, members resolved to agree the upgrade with an increase of £46.90 per month. The Clerk is to contact Forum Computers to arrange for the upgrade to be carried out.


The Clerk has now received the draft deed of dedication for Potterhanworth Road sports field from Fields in trust. Members were updated on the progress so far. It was resolved for the Chairman to sign the deed on behalf of the Parish Council.


Members had received information prior to the meeting regarding the ongoing 2023 review of Parliamentary Constituency boundaries in England. Councillor Carrington informed members that there would be no change to Heighington. Members resolved to make no comment regarding the Sleaford and North Hykeham County Constituency.


Members had received a copy of the proposed joint letter prepared by Bardney Group Parish Council prior to the meeting. Following a discussion members resolved for the letter to be sent to Lincolnshire County Council on behalf of Heighington Parish Council.


169/M/21          Financial Matters.

  • To note the annual PRS Licence (Music Licence for the Jubilee Hall) has been renewed at a cost of £262.50 (excl vat) for the period 6/12/21 – 5/12/22.
  • To note a refund of vat on 14th January 2022 of £4294.79 for the October, November, and December 2021 period.
  • To note receipt of £18.00 income from the Clothing Bank on 14th December 2021, to date we have received a total of £232.80 since its installation which has been allocated to play area projects.
  • To note the renewal cost of our insurance policy commencing 21st February 2022 to include cover for the solar panels and CCTV of £2031.42.
  • To note the increase in the cost of the Jubilee Hall advert in the Sheepwash Times now £17.00 per month, an increase of £2.00 per month.


170/M/21          To approve the monthly accounts for December 2021 and January 2022.

The lists of payments and receipts made or received by the council during December 2021 and January 2022 were distributed electronically with the agenda. The bank reconciliation and statements were approved and signed by Councillor George for December 2021 and Councillor Sockell for January 2022. It was resolved to approve the monthly accounts.


171/M/21          To confirm the precept demand for 2022/2023

Further to minute number 145/M/21 from the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th December 2021 it was resolved that the precept demand for 2022/2023 shall be £94290.52. The precept documents have been completed and returned via email on 6th January 2022.


172/M/21          To receive the Councillors Code of Conduct and remind all Councillors of their duty to attend meetings.

Members were given a copy of the Councillors Code of Conduct. The Chairman reminded Councillors of their duty to attend the meetings outlined on the Civic Calendar.


173/M/21          To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).

District Councillors' Report

Heighington, Washingborough & Canwick

February 2022



The PM is widely expected to announce a relaxation of all isolation rules by the end of the month. Watch this space!

Data as at date shown:

  • England 715 positive tests per 100,000 (13 Feb)
  • North Kesteven 668 (13 Feb)
  • Heighington area 719 (8 Feb)
  • Washingborough & Canwick area 788 (8 Feb)
  • 91% of adult population (12 and over) have had 1st dose
  • 85% have had 2nd dose
  • 66% have had the Booster jab.

Energy Prices

Details from Central Government on the one-off Council Tax energy rebate are awaited. A new webpage has been established on the NKDC website (n-kesteven.gov.uk) regarding rising energy prices. It gives advice on how to contact your provider if you are struggling with payments and how to keep your home as energy efficient as possible. Advice continues to be provided by the Council to those who struggle manage financially including eligibility for existing help and signposting to other support. Once details of the Government package are received and ready for distribution, residents will be informed.

Levelling Up

Lincolnshire was not selected as one of the 9 areas which will form the next wave of devolution deals. However, given the Government’s intention that devolution deals will be in place by 2030, the leaders of Lincolnshire Councils look forward to shaping what devolution will mean for our county and what benefits it might bring. Details of the Government’s levelling up plan can be found on the www.gov.uk website. Although the White Paper has been issued, there is still much to learn and understand about the devolution of powers and what investment might be forthcoming. This all needs to be balanced against the aspirations that Councils currently have for their communities.

Changes to the Highway Code

 There have been some significant changes to the Highway Code, but the announcement of the changes has not been as comprehensive as it might have been. Again, there is an article on the www.gov.uk website entitled ‘The Highway Code: 8 changes you need to know from 29 Jan 22’ which is useful. Many of the changes are pertinent to rural areas as they affect rules pertaining to cyclists and horse riders.


174/M/21          To resolve to move into closed session.

The Chairman moved that the remainder of the business be held in ‘committee ‘and that the public and press be excluded there from for reason that the business to be transacted or advice tendered is of a confidential nature, which could be prejudicial to the public interest to publicise. Members resolved to proceed on that basis, ‘in committee.’


175/M/21          Staff matters

There followed a long discussion about various staff matters including overtime and annual appraisals.



There being no further business the meeting closed at 21: 05 hours.


Signed:                                                                                 Date: