June 2022 minutes

The Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 13th June 2022 at 7:00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington.



Councillor Buckley-Jones 

Councillor Dziadkiewicz

Councillor George

Councillor Grimshaw

Councillor Rushby 

Councillor Trafford  

Councillor Sockell (Chairman)

District Councillor Tinsley 

District and County Councillor Carrington



Councillor Hemlin

Councillor Pattle

Councillor Sowerby

District Councillor Goodwin


Clerk: Elaine Atkin

Responsible Finance Officer: N Briscoe


Public Participation 

There was 1 member of the public present.

No public questions/comments were raised.


022/M/22 To receive apologies for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Grimshaw, Pattle and Sowerby. Apologies were also received from District Councillor Goodwin.  


023/M/22 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations

Councillor George declared a personal interest in item 028/M/22 as a neighbour of one of the planning applications being considered.

There were no requests for dispensations.

The Clerk declared an interest in item 047/M/22.


024/M/22 To approve the draft notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9th May 2022 and for the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

It was noted that minute 008/M/22 was incorrect due to subsequent clarification that the council representative on the Pike and Eure Educational Foundation runs for four years, in line with local elections. The appointment of Cllr Sowerby, with Cllr Trafford in reserve, can therefore not come into effect until May 2023.

It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to approve the minutes with the amendment above.


025/M/22 To consider a co-option application

A co-option application had been received from Jason Cerrino, who was in attendance at the meeting.

It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr Trafford and resolved to co-opt Jason onto the council.

Jason signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and duly joined the meeting as a councillor.


Planning Matters and Tree Works:

026/M/22 To consider tree works applications received from NKDC

No tree works applications received.


027/M/22 To note tree decision notices from NKDC

22/060/TCA. TG2 conifers – fell; Remaining Yew and Spruce in corner group – trim new growth over whole tree. Greenside, Station Road, Heighington, Lincoln, LN4 1QJ.

Decision – TPO not required.


028/M/22 To consider planning application received from NKDC

22/0586/HOUS (Amended application). Erection of single storey side extension and installation of 1.8m high fence. 10 Bell’s Meadow, Heighington, Lincoln, LN4 1LD. 

No comments.


22/0732/HOUS. Erection of single storey rear extension. 91 Washingborough Road, Heighington, Lincoln, LN4 1LD.

No comments.


029/M/22 To note planning decision notices from NKDC

None received.


030/M/22 To receive the Clerk’s report (for information only) and agree whether this is still required, due to the Weekly Update to councillors 

Council resolved to continue with the Weekly Update email in place of a Clerk’s report.


031/M/22 To note correspondence received

None received. Any future correspondence received will be shared via the Weekly Update email, unless it requires a specific decision from council, which would necessitate an agenda item.


Financial matters:

032/M/22 To receive the annual internal audit report for the 2021-22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return and agree any actions required

The report was received, and there were no comments.


033/M/22 To approve the Annual Governance Statement for the 2021-22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return and for the clerk and chairman to sign

Guidance on the Annual Governance Statement had been circulated to all councillors in advance. The RFO confirmed that all conditions had been met to enable a Yes answer for questions 1 – 8.

It was proposed by Cllr Sockell, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement. This was duly signed by the clerk and chairman.


034/M/22 To approve the Accounting Statement for the 2021-22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (already approved by the Responsible Finance Officer – RFO) and for the chairman to sign

It was proposed by Cllr Grimshaw, seconded by Cllr Trafford and resolved to approve the Accounting Statement. This was duly signed by the Chairman, having been already signed by the RFO.


035/M/22 To note that dates for the period of exercise of public rights, as set by the RFO  

The dates set (Wednesday 15th June to Tuesday 26th July inclusive) were duly noted.


036/M/22 To receive routine financial matters

Matters had been covered elsewhere.


037/M/22 To approve the monthly accounts for May

It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved to approve the May accounts.


038/M/22 To consider a grant application from the Heighington Christmas Market committee

It was resolved to award a grant of £200, under S.137.


039/M/22 To note the latest dog fouling report and agree actions required

It was noted that this was the last dog fouling report via Washingborough Parish Council. Our Caretaker now does regular checks, specifically at Station Road and Potterhanworth Road. Dog fouling is an ongoing problem, and we will continue to publicise this.


040/M/22 To note details of litter picks undertaken by a resident  

The comprehensive litter pick report was noted. 


041/M/22 To note a potential Health & Safety concern raised by a hirer regarding hot pipes in the Jubilee Hall, and agree actions required

It was resolved to seek quotes to address this.


042/M/22 To confirm options for Jubilee Hall ad-hoc evening/weekend hire procedures and delegate authority for officers to choose the appropriate options for the specific circumstances

It was proposed by Cllr Buckley-Jones, seconded by Cllr Dziadkiewicz and resolved to delegate authority to officers to determine the appropriate option for each booking.


043/M/22 To consider feedback from organisations regarding the future of the Recreational Advisory Forum and agree actions

All the organisations had been contacted for their views on this forum. Three responses had been received and of these, two were prepared to go with the majority decision and one wanted the meetings to continue.

Feedback from those councillors who have attended this forum was that few of the groups really participated.

It was resolved to stop holding the Recreational Advisory Forum meetings; to have a trial period whereby the groups are asked to provide reports for Council meetings; for council to accommodate specific agenda items if the groups have anything to raise; for Council to also arrange speakers if there are specific areas where the groups feel they need more support, such as with grant funding. If it is felt that the trial has not met the needs of the groups participating, then council will reconsider holding the meetings.


044/M/22 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only)

Update from County Councillor Carrington:


Road Works

Works to rebuild sections of the carriageway on Station Road, Silver Street/Mere Road and the central B1188 continue and will last until late June - the works are scheduled to be carried out at night and the area is best avoided between 8pm and 6am. 

Various top-dressing resurfacing schemes on more minor roads are under way across the Division in the summer months. As ever please report any potholes using Fix My Street.


Engaging on devolution

The ten councils across Greater Lincolnshire have asked our Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to undertake an engagement exercise with local businesses, about a devolution deal for our area.

Following the Levelling Up white paper we are all determined to seek a devolution deal later this year when the government accepts further submissions. We already have a ten-point plan that we want to develop and refine.

In order to do this, we need to hear from businesses across the area on issues around growth and jobs and gain valuable feedback about what devolution could mean for them. A series of roundtable events are being held across the area, and website and survey is available to give more information and hear the views of our business community – visit www.devolutionlincolnshire.co.uk.


Progress on Lincolnshire's Special School provision

The county council is making great progress on delivering improvements to SEND provision across Lincolnshire. In May, Boston Endeavour Academy and an extension to Bourne Willoughby Academy were officially opened.

These new facilities have not only increased the numbers of special school places in Lincolnshire, but improved services and allowed these sites to cater for more specialist needs. This means that more children with SEND will have the opportunity to attend a local school rather than having to travel large distances for their education.

Receiving a high-quality education within their local communities will make a life-changing difference for pupils and their families – both now and in the future.


Apprenticeship Champions celebrated at awards

The achievements of Lincolnshire apprentices, trainers and employers have been recognised at an awards ceremony in Lincoln on 20 May.

The ceremony provided a great platform for promoting and showcasing apprenticeships and those who came away with awards should be so proud of their achievements and show the huge variety of apprenticeships available for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Apprenticeships are becoming the qualification of choice not just for individuals, but for employers, who are recognising the tailored approach and benefits they offer.


Continued equipment support for people with long-term conditions and disabilities

With the present contract for the Lincolnshire Community Equipment Service coming to an end in March 2023, the county council’s Executive has agreed to a new procurement process for the service to award a 5-year contract to single provider to cover the county.

This service provides important support for many people with long-term conditions and disabilities. Loaning items like walking frames, perching stools, domestic trolleys, and shower stools where required. New Improvements to the contract will also include wheelchair provision and the potential for Disabled Facilities Grant items such as ramps and stairlifts - this service is operated in conjunction with District councils like NKDC.

Additionally, there is added incentive for the new provider to collect and recycle items that are no longer needed. As perfectly good equipment is sometimes cluttering up living rooms or ending up in domestic waste.

The county council recently launched a pilot drop-off facility at Lincoln Household Waste Recycling Centre to help residents support a greener, more economic healthcare, which will be expanded to more sites.


Local Plan

Work continues on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan statutory Five Year Review - the revised draft text reduces housing numbers and gives serious heft to environmental matters including the tools to allow planning authorities to ensure new developments really live up to the highest environmental and carbon net zero standards. Responses to the consultation recently completed are being collated - these will be reviewed by the Central Lincs Joint Strategic Planning Committee in September and also forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate ahead of the Enquiry In Public (EIP) likely to be held in the latter part of this year. The EIP will provide a further opportunity for interested parties (including parish councils) to play a part in the process of the Five Year Review of the Plan.



LCC continues to work on schemes to fill in broadband ‘not spots’ in rural locations to provide improved connectivity. After some programme delay Potterhanworth Booths is rising to the top of the list for investment, and I have recently been able to help some rural-based businesses find solutions to better internet connections. Technically there are still some places where solutions are very challenging but the County Council will always try to find ways to give residents and businesses the connectivity they need.


Update from NKDC Councillor Tinsley:



Data as at date shown:

• England 70 positive tests per 100,000 (5 Jun) 

• Heighington area 68 (5 Jun)

• Washingborough & Canwick area 45 (5 Jun) 

• 93% of adult population (12 and over) have had 1st dose

• 87% have had 2nd dose

• 68% have had the Booster jab.


Safe Meeting Arrangements

NKDC has lifted safe meeting arrangements in relation to physical meetings with effect from 8 June. Members will use their own judgement in terms of mask wearing. Masks, wipes and sanitiser will remain available at meeting venues. 


NK Walking Festival

This festival takes place between 18 Jun and 3 July. Over 60 guided walks are available around the district ranging from short saunters to long hikes. Details can be found at www.hillholtwood.co.uk/nk-walking-festival .


Code of Conduct

At Council on 28 Apr, Members voted unanimously to adopt the LGA Model Code of Conduct. Copies of the code have been forwarded to Parish Councils to consider their own positions with regard to adoption. It is considered that a common code of conduct amongst as many councils as possible will increase consistency and the understanding and adoption of the behaviour standards expected of members.


UK Shared Prosperity Fund

NKDC has been allocated £3.1M from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The fund aims to boost living standards, health, employment opportunities and skills, wellbeing and a sense of  belonging and pride in place. A plan will be drawn together with input from a range of stakeholders and this will be submitted in the summer. If successful, funds will be available to draw down. Further information will be provided as this issue develops.



The devolution of powers and funding from central government to local places is being considered in Lincolnshire and the Great Lincolnshire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) wish to interact with businesses to explore if devolution is right for our area. The views of the business community are requested in a survey which can be found at; 


LCC and District Councillor Carrington and District Councillor Tinsley left the meeting (7:35pm).


045/M/22 CLOSED SESSION. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to move into closed session.


046/M/22 To review the use of external contractor(s) in light of the recent caretaker employment

It was resolved to stop using the external contractor from the end of June, and for the tasks to be picked up in-house.

It was noted that the Caretaker and Cllr Trafford were due to attend play area inspection training in the next few weeks.


The Clerk left the room (7:45pm).


047/M/22 To consider payment of the Clerk’s annual SLCC membership 

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Trafford and resolved to pay the Clerk’s annual SLCC membership.


The Clerk returned (7:46pm).


048/M/22 To agree staff entitlement to mileage/expenses

It was resolved to confirm staff mileage entitlement when on council business, subject to submission of monthly mileage claim and evidence of business insurance cover, with an agreed honorarium payment to a member of staff who had not previously claimed their mileage.


The meeting closed at 7:53pm.

Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.