June 2023 agenda

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 12th June 2023 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington. 

E Atkin

Elaine Atkin, Parish Clerk

6th June 2023


15 Minute Public Participation

(Maximum 3 minutes per member of the public)

When members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the council. A question shall not require a response at the meeting nor start a debate on the question.  The chairman may direct that a written or oral response be given. 



1. To receive apologies and valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

2. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations

3. To approve the draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 15th May 2023 and for these to be signed as the agreed minutes

4. To consider application(s) for co-option to the council (two vacancies)

5. To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only)

6. To review the council’s Social Media Policy

7. To note the list of correspondence and meetings since the May council meeting


Financial matters:

8. To approve the monthly accounts for May including List of Payments, List of Receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation 

9. To approve a new monthly direct debit for Canva graphic design software

10. To note overtime worked in April, and paid in May

11. To note the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2022-23 and agree any remedial actions

12. To approve the Annual Governance Statement for the 2022-23 Annual Governance and Accountability Return and for the clerk and chairman to sign

13. To approve the Accounting Statement for the 2022-23 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (already approved by the RFO) and for the chairman to sign

14. To note the dates for the period of exercise of public rights, as set by the RFO

15. To note the 2022-23 year-end reserves position

16. To note receipt of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions of £2274.29 for 2022-23 and to consider suggestions for its use

17. To consider introducing a separate Jubilee Hall hire rate for non-parishioners


Planning Matters and Tree Works:

18. To consider tree works applications received from NKDC.

a. None received

19. To note tree decision notices from NKDC.

a. None received

20. To consider planning applications received from NKDC.

a. None received

21. To note planning decision notices from NKDC.

a. None received


22. To consider re-locating one of the current litter bins

23. To receive an update on the Repair Hub

24. To receive an update on the Zero Carbon Parishes project

25. To receive the latest update regarding Chafer bugs on council land (standing agenda item)

26. CLOSED SESSION. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following staffing items on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

27. To consider a recommendation regarding a specific overtime requirement, and agree how this could be funded

28. To consider a recommendation following the clerk’s appraisal