March 2023 mintues

The Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 13th March 2023 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington.



Councillor Buckley-Jones

Councillor Farrington

Councillor George

Councillor Hemlin 

Councillor Rushby 

Councillor Sockell (Chair)

Councillor Sowerby 

Councillor Trafford


NKDC Councillor Carola Goodwin (arrived 7:01pm)


Clerk – Elaine Atkin

Responsible Finance Officer - Nikki Briscoe



Councillor Cerrino 

Councillor Dziadkiewicz

Councillor Pattle 


LCC & NKDC Councillor Ian Carrington

NKDC Councillor Glenn Tinsley


There was 1 member of the public present.


Public Participation 

There were no comments.


204/M/22 To receive apologies for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Cerrino, Pattle and Dziadkiewicz.

Apologies were also received from LCC & NKDC Councillor Ian Carrington and NKDC Councillor Glenn Tinsley.


205/M/22 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations

Cllr Trafford declared an interest in agenda item 15 (sporting hires for 2023-24, minute 218/M/22) as a member of the Bowls Club.


206/M/22 To approve the draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th February 2023 and for the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to approve the February minutes.


207/M/22 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only)

Update from County Councillor Ian Carrington:

North Hykeham Relief Road (Lincoln Ring Road Phase 4)

Preparation work on this £ multi-million investment is progressing well, and LCC has an update ready on the design and planning of the new road. Details include route optimization, environmental management, construction plans and walking & cycling routes. And some very important modelling data showing traffic impacts on villages near the route.

Drop-in sessions include:

Wed 15 March Waddington Community Hub, High St LN5 9RF 3pm to 8pm

Thursday 16 March Bentley Hotel, Newark Road LN6 9NH 3pm to 8pm

Friday 17 March Bracebridge Heath Pavilion, Bath Road LN4 2TU 1pm to 6pm

LCC officers will be available to answer questions on the scheme which has great significance for Lincoln AND surrounding villages – parish councillors and members of the public will be very welcome.

Lincolnshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy

From November this year almost all planning permissions will have to demonstrate a biodiversity net gain (BNG) of 10% secured for 30 years. Individual schemes will be approved by the Local Planning Authorities (in our case, NKDC), and the Nature Recovery Strategy will provide a strategic framework and LCC will be the body in charge of this for Greater Lincolnshire. 

BNG will be a very big change in the planning system with the potential to make improvements to both the environment and the quality of life in new developments. LCC will work in partnership with local planning authorities and others to help maximise these benefits as the system gets introduced.

RAF Waddington 

Operation Cobra Warrior is under way at RAF Waddington (and roaring over my home as I write this!) and will run through to 6th April. Details of various highways restrictions have been circulated to parish councils and can be found at

Improved support for domestic abuse victims

Lincolnshire County Council, with support from Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and NHS Integrated Care Board, has commissioned a new-look domestic abuse service which will see us work closely with partners to develop a more joined-up approach to support. 

Local support services are an important first step for people in abusive relationships looking for help. So it’s important people are aware of the support that is available. In making sure victims of domestic abuse are supported as soon as possible we can help reduce the impact on families and the likelihood of re-victimisation through early intervention.

To find out more about domestic abuse and support available please visit

Nominations open for Lincolnshire’s Apprenticeship Champion Awards 2023

I’m a passionate supporter of apprenticeships – they can make a real positive difference to young people’s lives and I’m proud to say that at the County Council we have over 300 apprentices developing their skills whilst serving their community. Applications are now open for the Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Awards.

The three categories for nominations are:

• Lincolnshire Apprentice Champion 2023

• Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Employer Champion 2023

• Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Training Provider Champion 2023

The awards seek to acknowledge and celebrate the efforts and commitment of apprentices, and those who have supported or delivered apprenticeships. The awards are run in partnership between the Public Service Compact group, Lincolnshire County Council and the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

The deadline for nominations is Thursday 31 March 2022. More information and application forms can be found here.

New grant available to boost numeracy

Multiply is a government-funded programme that looks to help adults over 19 years old improve their maths skills. Employers and community groups can now apply for a £1,000 grant to support numeracy development and become a Lincolnshire Multiply Champion.

The grants are awarded on a first come, first served basis, and could be spent by employers on piloting innovative approaches to learning maths in the workplace, or dedicating staff time to encouraging numeracy progression. Community groups may come up with ways to support their wider community in taking up Multiply courses.

For further information and instructions on how to apply please follow this link .


To update last month’s briefing, I have spoken at both the County Council and North Kesteven to support our PCSOs who are currently threatened with a cut of almost half their numbers. Whilst it’s right that the service embraces new methods and technology, I am passionate about the need for community based policing to remain part of the mix. The police – be it warranted officers or PCSOs – should never be separated from the communities they serve. At NKDC the Leader and Chief Executive have opened a dialogue with the Chief Constable and Police & Crime Commissioner, and have also raised police budgets with the Home Secretary and policing minister. I will continue to back efforts by LCC and NKDC to support community policing in the future.

Voter ID

A reminder that photo identification will be needed to vote at polling stations for the first time at this year’s local elections. Valid forms of ID include passport, driving license or photo bus pass.

Maybe the simplest thing is to get a postal vote. If you don’t have one already you can apply via the Electoral Commission website 

Or just ring Electoral Services at North Kesteven District Council on 01529 414155 or email .

And finally to confirm an item which came too late to mention to some councils in my Division last month:

County Council Budget

The council’s budget for 2023-24 was formally approved by the full council at their meeting on Friday 17 February – this section is repeated from last month’s news for those parish councils who met before the approval date.

The final budget included the addition of £8.7m to the development fund. The money for this will be drawn from the council’s reserves, and it will be used for projects that benefit local communities. 

There was also an additional £7m for road maintenance, meaning the highways budget for 2023/24 has now risen to around £93m.  Council tax will rise by 4.99% in total (this includes a 2% rise for adult care). However, Lincolnshire will still have one of the lowest council tax rates in the country. Despite the rise in council tax, and additional government funding, the council will still need to use a further £7.5m from its reserves to balance the books, based on current projections. 


Update from NKDC Councillor Glenn Tinsley:

Pre-Election Period

The Pre-Election period commences on 16 March and continues through to the close of polls on 4 May 23. In this sensitive period, normal council business will continue but any issue (initiative, publication or consultation) which might give advantage to a candidate or their supporters/party will be deferred until after the election. 

District candidates and agents briefings

One remaining briefing will take place for District candidates involved in the upcoming local elections. 

• Tues 14 Mar at 6.30pm online on Teams

To register, email

North Hykeham Relief Road

Anyone interested in meeting the project team to find out how the design and planning of the new relief road is progressing is encouraged to attend one of the forthcoming public information events.

The next set of events will take place on/at:

• Wednesday 15 March at Waddington Community Hub (High St, LN5 9RF), 3pm – 8pm

• Thursday 16 March at Bentley Hotel (Newark Rd, LN6 9NH), 3pm – 8pm

• Friday 17 March at Bracebridge Heath Pavilion (Bath Rd, LN4 2TU), 1pm – 6pm

Feedback was gathered during last September’s events and LCC has optimised the route based on local views and knowledge. Further design work and surveys will take place ahead of submitting a planning application in the autumn.

This project will see a new dual carriageway built linking the A46 Pennells Roundabout to the Lincoln Eastern Bypass, creating a full ring road around the city. 

For more information visit

Biodiversity Initiative

A joint Council/Community project in Heckington will see a number of the Council’s green spaces transformed into biodiversity areas with measures such as letting the grass grow longer, planting wildflowers and trees, and providing habitats for wildlife.

If the initiative proves successful, other partnerships could be developed throughout North Kesteven. See the full press release at


208/M/22 To agree the schedule of Full Council meetings for the 2023-2024 administrative year

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to agree the proposed council meeting schedule, with clarification that the August meeting would only be held if required. Committee meetings including timings are to be determined once the new council comes into effect in May.


Financial matters:

209/M/22 To approve the monthly accounts for February, including List of Payments, List of Receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation

The bank reconciliation had been checked by Cllr Farrington prior to the start of the meeting.

The RFO confirmed that funds had been transferred from contingency and IT Maintenance to cover expenditure on the General Assistant’s new laptop.

It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr Hemlin and resolved to approve the monthly accounts for January (List of Payments, List of Receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation).

The bank balances as shared with council were: Unity Trust current account - £66,789.77, Co-op current account - £30,015.24, PSDF (Public Sector Deposit Fund) account - £48,000.00.


210/M/22 To consider a grant request from Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire

It was proposed by Cllr Hemlin, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved to award a donation of £50 to Citizens Advice Mid Lincolnshire.


Planning Matters and Tree Works:

211/M/22 To consider tree works applications received from NKDC

None received.


212/M/22 To note tree decision notices from NKDC

a. 23/0072/TCA. T1 silver birch – fell; T2 silver birch – reduction all round up to 2m as shown in photographic evidence. 7A High Street, Heighington, LN4 1RG. (Within conservation area). TPO not required).

Decision noted.


213/M/22 To consider planning application received from NKDC

None received. 


214/M/22 To note planning decision notices from NKDC

a. 22/1766/HOUS. Conversion of existing garage and storage area to form extension to existing annexe. Ashfield, Potterhanworth Road, Heighington. Application approved.

The NKDC planning decision was noted.


215/M/22 To receive the latest update regarding Chafer bugs on council land (standing agenda item) 

When appropriate, the damaged grass at Station Road will be rolled, new topsoil put down, and re-seeded. Timing and requirements for application of nematodes for the bowls green will be discussed with the Bowls Club. Anecdotal evidence suggests that if the grass is rolled, moss killer applied, and it is kept short, this may also help to keep the Chafer bugs at bay.


216/M/22 To review the latest annual play area inspection reports and note items requiring attention 

Council agreed in December to investigate a playground maintenance company to address any moderate risks flagged and which cannot be resolved internally.  All the moderate risks flagged in the recent annual inspection report relate to the cantilever swing at Almond Avenue. Some of the lower risk items have now been addressed.


217/M/22 To consider an appropriate commemoration of the old flagpole top 

The top 1m of the old flagpole had been retained. It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Rushby, and resolved to investigate the flagpole history further, get a plaque made, and look to obtain a bracket so that the flagpole top can be attached to the wall of the Jubilee Hall.

Cllr Trafford left the room (7:25ppm) for the next item.


218/M/22 To review feedback from the sporting hires meetings and agree the football and cricket sporting hire terms and fees for 2023-24, acknowledging the bowls terms and fees are to be agreed in April

Thanks were given to the General Assistant and RFO for the work put in on this item. 

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to agree the cricket and football proposals for 2023-24 and to consider the bowls proposal at April’s Full Council, once the club has had chance to feed back to us.


Cllr Trafford returned to the meeting (7:30pm).

NKDC Cllr Goodwin and the member of the public left the meeting (7:30pm).


219/M/22 CLOSED SESSION. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following staffing item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Rushby and resolved to move into closed session.


220/M/22 To clarify the position on extra hours worked 

It was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr Hemlin and resolved to pre-approve payment of overtime for staff attending council meetings, and for the clerk to have delegated powers to approve overtime for other staff, subject to monitoring and monthly reporting to council.


The meeting closed at 7:40 pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.