February 2023 minutes

The Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 13th February 2023 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington.



Councillor Buckley-Jones

Councillor Cerrino 

Councillor Dziadkiewicz (arrived at 7:05pm)

Councillor Farrington

Councillor George

Councillor Rushby (Vice Chair)

Councillor Sowerby


NKDC Councillor Glenn Tinsley

NKDC Councillor Carola Goodwin


Clerk – Elaine Atkin

Responsible Finance Officer - Nikki Briscoe



Councillor Hemlin 

Councillor Pattle (Vice Chair)

Councillor Sockell (Chair)

Councillor Trafford

LCC & NKDC Councillor Ian Carrington


There were no members of the public present.


Cllr Rushby took the chair for this meeting.


Public Participation 

There were no comments.


178/M/22 To receive apologies for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sockell, Hemlin, Pattle and Trafford.

Apologies were also received from LCC & NKDC Councillor Ian Carrington.


179/M/22 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations

There were none.


180/M/22 To approve the draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th January 2023 and for the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to approve the January minutes.


Financial matters:

181/M/22 To approve the monthly accounts for January, including List of Payments, List of Receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation

The RFO confirmed the Bank Reconciliation had been checked and signed by Cllr Sowerby prior to the meeting.

Cllr Cerrino queried the Incidental and other expenses item on the List of Payments, which related to postage.

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to approve the monthly accounts for January (List of Payments, List of Receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation).

The bank balances as shared with council were: Unity Trust current account - £74,428.46, Co-op current account - £30,015.24, PSDF (Public Sector Deposit Fund) account - £48,000.00.


182/M/22 To agree to give an officer access to authorise payments on the Unity account, as an emergency arrangement should the current signatories set up on the bank be unavailable

It was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr Cerrino and resolved, to give payment authorisation access to the Clerk, thus ensuring a separation of duties from the RFO who sets up the payments, and that this is an emergency arrangement should the current authorisers not be available.


183/M/22 To agree to pay mileage expenses to Cllr Buckley-Jones for the visit to Collingham repair shop

This was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved.


184/M/22 To note an offline decision to approve the revised flagpole quote, in order to commission this work

The Clerk had sought offline approval from councillors and received a majority response in favour of the revised flagpole quotation. The replacement flagpole has now been commissioned.

Council noted this decision.


185/M/22 To review the following documents, as required by signing up to the Civility & Respect project:

a. Civility & Respect Bullying & Harassment Statement

This was proposed by Cllr Sowerby, seconded by Cllr Cerrino and resolved.


b. Dignity At Work Policy

This was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved.


c. Councillor-Officer Protocol

This was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Cerrino and resolved.


d. Grievance Policy

This was proposed by Cllr Sowerby, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved.


e. Social Media Policy Supplement

This was proposed by Cllr Farrington, seconded by Cllr George and resolved.


186/M/22 To consider any plans for the King’s Coronation

Following discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr Buckley-Jones and resolved, to put up bunting and new memorial plaques on the two existing planters at the Jubilee Hall and Station Road pavilion. Council intended to plant trees at Station Road (see minute 193/M/22) and for this to be named after the Coronation. The WI were planning to knit bomb the bus shelter.


Planning Matters and Tree Works:

187/M/22 To consider tree works applications received from NKDC

a. 23/072/TCA. T1 silver birch – fell; T2 silver birch – reduction all round up to 2m as shown in photographic evidence. 7A High Street, Heighington; LN4 1RG. (Within conservation area).

Council had no comments.


188/M/22 To note tree decision notices from NKDC

a. No applications received.


189/M/22 To consider planning application received from NKDC

a. No applications received. 


190/M/22 To note planning decision notices from NKDC

a. 22/1603/FUL. Replacement of existing timber flagpole with 6m high glass-fibre flagpole. Land adjacent Bus Stop, High Street, Heighington. Application approved.

b. 22/1671/HOUS. Erection of conservatory (retrospective). 31 Almond Avenue, Heighington. Application approved.

The NKDC planning decisions were noted.


191/M/22 To receive the latest update regarding Chafer bugs on council land (standing agenda item) 

The rate of damage to the field by crows trying to get at the bugs seems to have reduced and the situation will continue to be monitored.


192/M/22 To receive an update on solar powered speed signs and potential costs 

Cllr George reported back to council. Branston Parish Council and Lincs Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) had been consulted in respect of solar powered speed signs. Speed indicator devices (SIDs) have to be mobile, not fixed, to count as community speedwatch devices. The solar powered devices cost approximately £2,500 and need to sit on a dedicated post, which LCC will install for £300. We would require multiple posts installing to accommodate this as a mobile device, and LRSP are able to come out and advise on likely locations. We do not have anything in the budget for this and the costs would have to come out of reserves.

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Cerrino and resolved for these councillors to arrange a meeting with LRSP to review potential locations before taking this any further.


193/M/22 To receive an update on the Station Road project 

A Working Group consisting of Cllrs Buckley-Jones, Sowerby and Cerrino reported back, with various suggestions, including a swathe of trees underplanted with spring bulbs, a permanent living Christmas Tree with electrical supply for the lights, recycled plastic benches and picnic tables, and additional footpaths across the grass. Reserves are allocated to the Station Road development project.

Cllr Buckley-Jones proposed, Cllr Farrington seconded, and it was resolved to:

• Apply for two free tree packs from the Woodland Trust, for potential volunteer planting (via a community event) in November. (Possibly named in celebration of the King’s coronation).

• Plant spring bulbs underneath the trees, funded from the Zero Carbon Parishes grant if possible.

• Arrange installation of the appropriate conduit for electrical supply for the Christmas tree, underneath the new play area path when it is installed, to avoid the path being dug up at a later date.


194/M/22 To receive an update on interest in a Repair Hub and pre-approve any councillor mileage which may be required in visiting other similar repair hubs as part of the setting up process

Cllrs Buckley-Jones and Sockell met with Collingham Men In Sheds in January, and gained useful information on how to organise and run such a group. A meeting was subsequently held with parties interested in setting up a Repair Hub in Heighington and following discussion, Station Road pavilion (with some alterations) was agreed as a more suitable location to host this than the Jubilee Hall. The group are currently organising a fact-finding visit to Collingham.

Cllr George suggested that there may be some funding available via LCC and NKDC waste services and offered to set up a meeting to explore further.

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to pre-approve any councillor mileage which may be required in visiting any other similar repair hubs as part of the setting up process.


195/M/22 To receive an update on the zero carbon parishes grant and agree further items which can be spent under that grant 

Installation of LED lighting at the Jubilee Hall is part complete (due for completion at the beginning of March), at a cost of £2,772.20. This leaves £2,228 from the Zero Carbon Parishes grant. Cllr Buckley-Jones proposed, Cllr Cerrino seconded, and it was resolved to progress installation of cycle racks at Station Road, Potterhanworth Road and the Jubilee Hall.


196/M/22 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only)

Update from County Councillor Carrington:

No update was received.

NKDC Cllr Goodwin agreed to chase Cllr Carrington for an update regarding an ongoing issue in the village.


Update from NKDC Councillor Tinsley:


New Fearless Website

Fearless is the youth arm of the Crimestoppers charity which allows young people to provide information about crime with 100% anonymity. The website at: 


provides information on the service, contains a dedicated section for young people to learn more about a range of crime topics and has a useful FAQ section.

UK100 Climate Emergency Action Plan case study

UK100 is a network of council leaders from across the UK who are committed to accelerating climate action. A case study has featured NKDC’s approach which includes continual review and scrutiny and an annual update cycle demonstrating the importance we place on addressing the climate emergency. The case study can be read at https://www.uk100.org/projects/knowledgehub/north-kestevens-responsive-climate-action-plan?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Ward members and Planning

It is timely to restate the role of Ward members when considering planning issues. District Councillors can act in one of two distinct roles. Firstly, Strong Community Advocate. In this role, a Ward member can hold a pre-determined view or strong opinion and can speak with some freedom on behalf of the local community. However, they must remain aware of their role as a District Councillor and must not disregard the planning framework or make inappropriate statements or promises.

The second role involves those District Councillors who either sit on the Planning Committee or are named substitutes. These Councillors make decisions on behalf of the whole NKDC community and although they can speak with developers, objectors and supporters, they must be mindful that any comments they make do not make them appear pre-determined. In order to appear at the Planning Committee, they must keep an open and impartial mind and consider all information and relevant evidence. 

Whilst considering planning issues at Parish Council meetings, it is worth appreciating the constraints that your District Councillors operate within and that they will avoid saying anything that might prejudice the smooth and legal operation of the planning process. 

Personal Safety for Councillors

A Government funded webinar has been arranged on Councillor personal safety and handling online abuse and intimidation. The webinar will take place on 21 Feb 23 from 2pm to 3.30pm. To book a place visit: https://lgaevents.local.gov.uk/lga/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=587165&eventID=1692&traceRedir=2

District, Town and Parish candidates, agents and clerks briefings

A series of briefings will take place for candidates, agents and clerks involved in the upcoming local elections. 

For District Council candidates and agents two sessions will be offered:

• Thurs 9 Mar at 6.30pm in the Civic Suite at NKDC

• Tues 14 Mar at 6.30pm online on Teams

For Town and Parish Councillor candidates and interested Clerks:

• Wed 22 Feb at 6.30pm in North Hykeham Town Council offices

• Thurs 23 Feb at 6.30pm online on Teams

• Mon 27 Feb at 6.30pm in the Civic Suite at NKDC

To register, email nk-corporatecivicsupportteam@n-kesteven.gov.uk stating Election Briefing and Date and include number of attendees with contact details for each.

Cllrs Goodwin and Tinsley left the meeting (8:02pm).


197/M/22 CLOSED SESSION. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following commercially sensitive item(s) on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Buckley-Jones, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to move into closed session.


198/M/22 To review insurance quotes and cover (renewal due 21 February). 

It was proposed by Cllr Cerrino, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to go with the 3-year option from BHIB insurers, which is a change from our current insurer (Gallagher).


199/M/22 To approve the revised play area quote and agree to use clothing bank income towards this cost

It was proposed by Cllr Sowerby, seconded by Cllr Cerrino and resolved to approve the updated Kompan quote for Station Road play area fencing, accessible boat seat and accessible path, and use the clothing bank income as a contribution towards this.

The Clerk was asked to publicise the clothing bank at Jubilee Hall, as this is not necessarily well known within the village.


200/M/22 To clarify Christmas Market conditions of hire for 2023

It was proposed by Cllr Buckley-Jones, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to agree specific Jubilee Hall hire conditions for this year’s Christmas Market, taking into account feedback from last year’s event.


201/M/22 To review a contractor’s rate from 1 April 2023

It was proposed by Cllr Cerrino, seconded by Cllr George and resolved to increase the contractor’s rate.


202/M/22 To note qualifications attained by two members of staff and subsequent contractual implications

Council passed on congratulations to the RFO and General Assistant for passing their FiLCA (Financial Introduction to Local Council Administration) and ILCA (Introduction to Local Council Administration) qualifications respectively. The contractual implications of this were noted.


203/M/22 To review the Absence Policy (deferred from December)

Employment Committee had been unable to review this document, as planned. It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to approve the draft Absence Policy as an interim policy, subject to a review by Employment Committee in three months’ time.


The meeting closed at 8:41pm.