July 2023 minutes

The Parish Council meeting was held on Monday 10th July 2023 at 7.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington.



Councillor Buckley-Jones 

Councillor Farrington

Councillor George

Councillor Hemlin

Councillor Rushby (Vice Chair)

Councillor Sockell (Chair)

Councillor Sowerby 

Councillor Trafford

Councillor Watkinson


Responsible Finance Officer - Nikki Briscoe


NKDC Councillor Reece Harrington (arrived 7:11pm)

NKDC Councillor Carola Goodwin (arrived 7:16pm)

NKDC & LCC Councillor Ian Carrington (arrived 7:21pm)



Clerk – Elaine Atkin 


There were 2 members of the public present.


Public participation

A member of the public commented on the small bollards installed at the Washingborough Road/Sheepwash Road/Pitts Road junction, one of which has already been knocked down.



063/M/23 To receive apologies for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting

There were no apologies from parish councillors. NKDC Cllrs Carrington and Goodwin had indicated they may be late.

The Clerk had sent apologies.


064/M/23 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations

There were none.


065/M/23 To approve the draft notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 12th June 2023 for these to be signed as the agreed minutes

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to approve the Parish Council minutes. 


066/M/23 To consider applications for co-option to the council (one vacancy)

An application had been received from Maureen Catterson, who was present at the meeting, and was invited by the chair to say a little bit about herself.

It was proposed by Cllr Hemlin, seconded by Cllr Rushby and resolved to co-opt Maureen onto the council. Maureen signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the meeting.


The Chair resolved to move the next agenda item (To receive reports from County and District Councillors) to later in the agenda, as the NKDC Cllrs had not yet arrived. (See minute reference 079/M/23).


067/M/23 To note the list of correspondence and meetings since the June council meeting

This was noted.


Financial matters:

068/M/23 To approve the monthly accounts for June, including List of Payments, List of receipts, Net Position and Bank Reconciliation

The RFO confirmed that the June bank reconciliation had been approved by Cllr Farrington prior to the meeting.

The bank balances as shared with council for June 2023 were: Unity Trust current account - £76,609.51, Co-op current account - £30,015.24, PSDF (Public Sector Deposit Fund account) - £48,000.

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to approve the monthly accounts for June.


069/M/23 To note overtime worked in May, and paid in June

The overtime report was noted.


070/M/23 To note a letter from the CCLA in relation to changes to the Public Sector Deposit Fund (no significant change for us)

The RFO confirmed that the CCLA changes have now been delayed to October. This was noted.


071/M/23 To consider a grant request of £450 from Garrett’s Charity

The RFO confirmed there was sufficient allocation in the grants budget to cover this. It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr Trafford and resolved to approve the grant request for £450.


072/M/23 To review costs for a new litter bin (as per minute 056/M/23) and agree whether to proceed

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to order the Trojan litter bin from Bin Shop, at a cost of £149.35 plus VAT, and for this to be funded from the street furniture maintenance budget.


073/M/23 To resolve to delegate urgent decisions to the clerk and RFO in conjunction with the chair and vice chair due to there being no council meeting in August, and for any such decisions to be reported back to council in September

This was proposed by Cllr Hemlin, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved.


074/M/23 To consider a request for support for the Witham Valley Access Project (WVAP), run by residents in Cherry Willingham, Fiskerton and Reepham, aimed at promoting safe walking and cycling in the area and extending and improving the network of paths, footways around local villages, as well as developing links to the south of the River Witham

Cllr George agreed to attend the Witham Valley Access Project meeting on 18th September in Fiskerton and report back to council.   


Planning Matters and Tree Works:

075/M/23 To consider tree works applications received from NKDC

None received.


076/M/23 To note tree decision notices from NKDC

None received.


077/M/23 To consider planning application received from NKDC

a. 23/0636/OUT – Outline planning application with all matters reserved for the erection of4no. terraced industrial/commercial units (use classes E(g)(i), E(g)(ii) and E(g)(iii)). Land adjacent True Window Care and JNE Trading, Potterhanworth Road, Heighington, LN4 1RR.

It was proposed by Cllr Buckley-Jones, seconded by Cllr Hemlin and resolved to submit council’s objections:

We have some major concerns particularly about the proposed layout and drainage.

1. The proposed boundary between The White House and the site is inadequate to shield the occupier from noise and other disruption. Additionally, there is absolutely no privacy for the residents. It is shown on the plan as using the existing concrete posts with wire and some tree planting. The entire boundary on this side should be much more substantial than wildflower grassland and a few trees.

2. The applicant states that the land is not contaminated. When the plot was used as a depot for East Midlands Electricity Board telegraph poles coated with creosote were stored on this site.

3. In general the proposed layout does not show that the commercial development has taken into account the latest North Kesteven District Council Local Plan dated 2023 particularly Policies S6, S8, S11, S12 and S20. Even though there is a bike storage area and EV charging points at each unit the layout and design does not provide for maximising solar energy, the buildings do not have green roofs, water capture for reuse or recycling or shown how they will be built with thermal or energy efficiency or reducing the amount of carbon used in the build.

4. Although the supporting documentation correctly states that the site is in Flood Risk Zone 1 this area of Potterhanworth Road is known to be poorly draining. As shown in the Flood Risk document the ditch running alongside the east side of the field adjacent to the plot is regularly full and the field very wet. In July 2019 Heighington Parish Council sponsored a ‘Picnic in the Park’ event which was scheduled to be held in the Sports Field on the other side of the road with car parking on the field adjacent to the plot. This had to be cancelled due to both sites being waterlogged.

The proposal to discharge surface water into the highway drain in the road along with run offs from the roofs of all the units is not acceptable. The storage tanks holding the roof run off and the two SuDS will probably not be sufficient or effective as rainfall is increasingly becoming more heavily concentrated. Most of the site will be either units or roads with very little unbuilt area to absorb any excess rainfall. Local Plan Policy S12 requires that surfacing is permeable and that green roofs are incorporated within the design. Local Plan Policy S20 obligates developers, amongst other requirements, to reuse and recycle rainwater.

The supporting documentation does not state how any foul water will be discharged from the site.

The sewers in Heighington use a gravity fed system so any extra input from a higher area of the village will be fed into the pumping station in Park Lane, Heighington. This is situated in the lowest area in Heighington and in times of flooding from surface water and ground sources is unable to cope and the central area of the village floods with polluted excess discharge going into the Beck and residents’ houses and gardens.

5. Traffic. The proposed usage schedule may require more parking spaces than those allocated. Potterhanworth Road at this point is not suitable for parking. It is opposite a sports field regularly used by children and adults throughout the year. The road also has “pinch points” notably going north into Heighington but also south as it crosses the railway line. There is also a lack of visibility at the junction of Potterhanworth Road and the High Street within the village.

b. 23/0379/HOUS – Demolition of existing utility room and erection of side and rear single storey extensions. 15 Daniel Crescent, Heighington, LN4 1JN.

Council had no comments.

c. 23/0692/HOUS – Demolition of existing garage and porch, erection of single storey flat roofed extension. 5 Fen Road, Heighington, LN4 1JN.

Council had no comments.


078/M/23 To note planning decision notices from NKDC

None received.


079/M/23 To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only)

(Item moved from earlier in the agenda)

Update reports had been received from Cllr Carrington (LCC & NKDC) and from Cllr Harrington (NKDC).


In summary:

• LCC will be the lead authority for the Greater Lincolnshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy, improving biodiversity and natural habitats across the county

• A recent OFSTED inspection rated LCC Childrens’ Services as ‘outstanding’ overall

• Highways summer season surface dressing continues this month

• A final round of public briefings on the North Hykeham Relief Road has just completed

• LCC Trading Standards have recently obtained orders suspending trading for three months at retailers selling counterfeit or unsafe goods

• Lincolnshire’s Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) provides an important lifeline for people who need help with equipment or adaptions around the home. Further details at: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/help-live-home/home-equipment

• NKDC has received a national award for its new housing, specifically the Passivhaus (eco homes) council housing scheme in Potterhanworth

• NKDC General Licencing Committee is to review its Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy, with a proposal to lift the restriction on cars older than 10 years old to be used as taxis and for private hire

• The 2023 NKDC Building Excellence Awards has taken place

• NKDC has celebrated over 300 years of combined service in the armed forces by presenting veterans badges 

• The Electoral Commission has completed initial analysis of the impact of Voted ID at the recent local elections

• Parliamentary Boundary Review changes have been before parliament

• NKDC has extended its ‘Be Smart, Stop – Start’ project to encourage drivers of school buses and taxi operators to stop idling their vehicles and improve air quality


The Chair permitted a member of the public to raise their question direct to Cllr Carrington regarding the Pitts Road/Sheepwash Road junction. Cllr Carrington confirmed that this does not fall under his division as a LCC Councillor however is working hard to get the issues at this junction resolved.

A councillor also asked about the benefits of surface-dressing the roads. Cllr Carrington confirmed that this is a cheap solution to protect the road surface and prevent it getting worse and requiring more major works.


The member of the public left the meeting.


080/M/23 To review the Lone Worker Policy

It was proposed by Cllr George, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to approve the revised policy. 


081/M/23 To note the litter pick quarterly report for April – June 2023

The litter pick report was noted, with 10:25 hours spent, and 7 bags of rubbish collected. It was also confirmed that we have acquired 8 sets of free litter-pick kits from LCC and these are available on a first-come first-served basis to residents. (This has been advertised on our social media and website).


082/M/23 To receive an update on the Zero Carbon Parishes project

Cllr Buckley-Jones confirmed that we have now acquired the water butts and cycle racks and we will be arranging installation.

It was also confirmed that our grounds contractor has a 2.5 metre Horse Chestnut tree to plant, and we will be meeting with him to arrange a suitable location.

The remaining Zero Carbon Parishes grant of approximately £1500 must be spent before the end of the financial year (end of March) and councillors were asked to put forward further suggestions.


083/M/23 To receive the latest update regarding Chafer Bugs on council land (standing agenda item)

Cllr Trafford gave a verbal update. The ground looks good at the moment however we are likely to see further activity again in September, when the beetles lay their eggs and the crows come back.


084/M/23 CLOSED SESSION. To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

It was proposed by Cllr Rushby, seconded by Cllr Sowerby and resolved to move into closed session.


The three NKDC councillors left the meeting.


085/M/23 To consider an option for more effective use of the CCTV at Station Road 

It was proposed by Cllr Watkinson, seconded by Cllr Farrington and resolved to go with the proposal from our existing CCTV supplier, Global Visions Security Solutions for a mobile internet option, with set up costs of £275 and unlimited Wi-Fi option from O2 at £19.62 per month. This will be funded from reserves, with the IT project line 35 increased by £275 and the IT running costs line 33 increased by £175.


The meeting closed at 8:06 pm.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.


Correspondence and meetings held since the June meeting

LCC update

NKDC update